Chapter 31: Valentine's Day Special

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❤️ Happy Valentine's Day, Everyone ❤️

I fiddle a pen around the mid-shaft of my fingers as we all continue to listen to Mr. Aizawa and Midnight co-lecturing on heroism. The bell rings as Midnight reminded the student of Valentine's Day in a dominatrix manner. "Alright everything, some of you are already eighteen years old and think you are grown, and some of you are seventeen turning eighteen this year, but keep in mind that you are still students here."

Mr. Aizawa spoke out to the class in a monotone voice. "However, there will be dire consequences if I catch you doing anything inappropriate. Do you all understand me?" His eyes grew red, and his binding cloth levitates around his neck.

"Yes, Sir," The student spoke out in unison.

"Oh, you're such a party pooper," Midnight asserted herself. "Everyone, go enjoy yourself if you decided to celebrate Valentine's Day. Just remember safety and consent first!"

The students started to walk out of the classroom as the school day finally ended. You made your way to Bakugo's desk, but Mina intercepted your pathway. "Hey, baby girl! What do you have plans for Valentine's Day?" Mina wrapped her arms around your shoulder.

"Umm, not sure yet. Why wsup?" You continued to endure the pink girl's embrace.

"You and Bakugo don't have any place for Valentine's Day?" Her eyes widen with a surprising look into her eyes. "I would at least thought he would do something for you."

"Yeeaaaa, I don't really care for Valentine's Day like that, to be honest." You surprised Mina with your statement.

"Whaaaaattt, how can you not care about Valentine's Day," as Mina frantically shook your body back and forth, as her actions grabbed certain ash-blonde attention.

You grabbed Mina's hand and stop her from shaking your body. "Because crazy girl, Valentine's Day place high expectations on couples. They need to get you flowers or big, fancy, and expensive gifts. Then, people, most of the time girls, usually feel some type of way because they don't get what they fantasize."

"Are you saying Bakugo's won't be able to meet your standards?" Mina tilted her head with a curious look on her face.

"No, I'm not saying that. I just don't expect much from people sometimes. It kinda leads to heartbreak one way or another. I'm not saying I don't like Valentine's day. I don't press the holiday that much."

As you walk outside the classroom doors, a nosy redhead distinctively intruded into the conversation as he reported back to the grumpy student.

You made it to your locker as your return the books and other supplies in the cubby while Mina continues to talk and earful about Valentine's Day. You notice from your peripheral vision that Katsuki was within your vicinity along with Kirishima, and Todoroki. "You know what, Mina? I am going to go talk to him right now, so I will catch you later." As you shut your locker door.

You readjust your bag on your back as you make your way towards the ash-blonde. However, you see a bunch of Valentine's Day cards flooding out as the ash-blonde holds the side of his locker door. You noticed a smirk written on his face as you question your boyfriend's excitement towards other female's thirst trap letters.

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