Chapter 39: Lucky

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Bakugo assisted you after the fear simulator by providing you a self-care day full of healthy diversion to alleviate any uncomfortable emotions that arise from the simulation. The cool thing about his action is that you are entirely unaware of the event that will take place in our backyard.

"Oi, are you ok?" Bakugo broke the silent tension as he continued to walk with his hand in his pockets. Bakugo was leading you away from the dorms so that the other peers could finish setting up for later.

"Yea, I'm ok. I have a lot on my mind. That's all." you replied as you looked up into the sky, gazing at the clouds above.

Katsuki bumped his shoulder on your upper body, which caused you to redirect your attention to the ash-blonde gaze. "What?"

"Oi, dumbass. Can you not shut me out?" Your man displayed a concerned look on his face as he felt unease that you would completely void his presence and usefulness as a boyfriend.

You stopped midway through your walk when you grabbed Bakugo's hand. You instantly drew him near your body as you began to embrace the warmth of his skin. "I will never shut you out."

Bakugo wrapped his arms around your frame as he rested his chin on top of your head. "I'll have my moments dwelling in my thoughts here and there, and it may prevalently show through my facial expression or my actions, but I'm not afraid of them, and I won't let it have control over me anymore."

You moved your head so you can visually see your man's face as you wrapped your arms around his neck. "Sadness is a normal reaction to a loss, disappointment, problems, or other difficult situations. Feeling sad from time to time is just another part of being human, right?"

"Tch. I don't want you to feel like you have to carry that burden by yourself, Ren." Bakugo hummed to himself before he spoke out once more, "you're one of the biggest idiots I know. Nonetheless, you mean everything to me. I don't want you to experience any pain, hurt, sadness..."

"That's unrealistic, babe

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"That's unrealistic, babe. Life's a bitch for sure! It will continue to throw curveballs at us where we may get hurt or feel sad." You redirected your gaze to the ash-blonde as you raised his head slightly by placing your hand on his cheek. Of course, your man adjusted his face somewhat with your guidance.

"But, life can also bring us beautiful things that give us joy to our soul, make us feel loved within our hearts." You smiled graciously at your man as he mimicked your reaction.

"To be honest, I have you to thank for that. So don't go soft on me now, Asshole." One of your eyebrows raised, and you slipped out a deceiving smirk.

"I never plan to, dumbass." Bakugo pulled you into a soft yet passionate kiss, and he used his strength to raise you off your feet.

Katsuki continued to caress your frame as your lips never parted from each other. The synchronized motion left you both inseparable within the public view. That's until you felt a push from behind as you fell deeper into Kacchan's arms.

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