Chapter 32: Us Against Them

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"Oi, get up, dumbass. We're training today." Bakugo pulled the bed covers to disturbed your comfortable slumber. You repositioned your body as you face the man who dares to wake you up.

"Excuse me, sir. I don't wake you when you're asleep. Give me five minutes," you displayed a grumpy attitude, especially since you now woke up on the wrong side of the bed.

Bakugo narrowed his eyes as he didn't give a damn about your sleep. "Ren, you have to stop with this laziness and get up."

"Touch me and die!" You snuggled deeper into the covers as you tightly gripped the blanket.

Bakugo hummed to himself as he realized that his demeanor rubbed off on you by your response, "Oi dumbass, that's my line," the ash-blonde picked you up from the bed despite your ability to remain asleep. You weakly tried to wiggle out of his grasps despite still being asleep.

Bakugo then moved away from the bed and made his way to the comfortable chair, and he flopped himself on the cushion with you laying on top of his body.

"Baby, five more minutes. Please." You spoke out in a soft yet weary voice as you snuggled into Bakugo's presence to gather some warmth.

" You spoke out in a soft yet weary voice as you snuggled into Bakugo's presence to gather some warmth

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"Tch. Fine! Five minutes!" The ash-blond gave in to his girlfriend's request as he laid back with his phone in his hand and wrapped his other arm around your frame.

Of course, Bakugo sneaked a couple of pictures of you while you're asleep, being a creep and all. However, the ash-blond became less tense within the chair as well. Minutes later, you see Bakugo overly relaxed the moment you slowly opened your eyes. His eyes shut as his hand supported his jawline; his elbow rested on an arm piece of the comfortable chair. You adjust your body to where you saddled on top of him.

"Katsuki, you awake?" You whispered into his facial vicinity as you caressed his cheeks with one of your hands.

"Yea, dumbass. I'm just resting my eyes since you want to be asleep during our training," Bakugo opened one of his eyes as he glared at you with a hint of annoyance yet with ease.

"Come on, Katsuki. You know I'm not a morning person like that. Especially on our downtime." You teased your man as you play with his chest with your fingertips.

"Yea, whatever. Let's eat so we can train. I don't need you passing out on me from low-energy." You graciously smiled before you hopped off your grumpy boyfriend.

You both made your way to the doorway as Katsuki opened the door, and he steps into the hallway; however, he felt a tight grip around his wrist as he swung across the hall. "I thought I made myself clear with the dorm rules." Mr. Aizawa hovered over the ash-blonde as his eyes pierced red at the disobedient student.

You ran out to the doorway when you heard the loud thump against the floor. "Katsu... Oh, Mr. Aizawa."


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