Chapter 46: Quirk Singularity

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Fifteen to twenty minutes passed by, and everyone made it back to Heighten Alliance. You and Bakugo's little argument dissipated within moments of the departure back to the locker rooms since he took the initiative to at least carry you the whole way there. Of course, you were petty at first, but how could you stay mad at him for doing something like that. Nonetheless, things smooth over reasonably quickly, and you both express affection towards one another.

As Bakugo entered the building, he automatically gravitated toward the couch in the common area. He places you gently on the sofa, and you begin to stretch out your arms and legs.

"Wow! Must be nice to have your man carrying you all that way?" Mina flopped right next to you before she rested her feet on the coffee table.

"Well, that's him. I told him to put me down in the beginning, but you know he can be stubborn as ever," you readjusted your body and the rest of your head on top of the sofa.

"Tch. You stay exerting your stamina, dumbass." Bakugo slipped his hands into his pocket. "Plus, you fucking hit your head. I don't need you passing out anything,"

"Like from a concussion, maybe" Kirishima joined in on the conversation as he sat alongside Mina before he draped his arms around her shoulder.

"Yea, well, I definitely blackout for a minute for sure. I don't remember what happened after I hit the ground." You started to scratch your head and displayed a questionable look with your demeanor.

"Yea, probably why you were irritated too at Bakugo here." Kirishima threw a decorative pillow at the ash-blonde. "You shoulda seen it! My man here jumped off that shit and rescued you. Geez, he was so manly."

Bakugo began to fluster, "what? I didn't want her to get hurt, fuckin shitty hair!" He grabbed the pillow and launched it back to Eijiro as small cotton began to expel out.

Bakugo began to fluster, "what? I didn't want her to get hurt, fuckin shitty hair!" He grabbed the pillow and launched it back to Eijiro as small cotton began to expel out

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"HA!! Yea right! Come on, Bakugo. Stop acting all tough around us. We already know Wsup." Mina asserted herself into the conversation.

"Shut up, raccoon eyes." Katsuki's eyes turned red out of pure annoyance.

"Hey hey, Bakugo. Stop it." You interjected. "It's ok to be a big softy once in a while," you chuckled at your man's growing irritation. "But what are you talking about? I don't remember falling off the royale?"

"Yea, girl!! You broke that shit! I saw it from the big screen!" Mina bounced off the sofa. "You unleashed your quirk just before you passed out. It was quite scary for a second."

"Yeaaaa!!! And when you fall, your knight and shiny armor dove after you and saved his fellow maiden!" Kaminari spoke out as he displayed a lovey-dovey kissy face while holding his hands together, continuing to tease the ash-blonde with the rest of the group.

"Fuck you guys." Bakugo smashed his hands into the coffee table as it was fueled with a mini-explosion just before he walked away from us and made his way outside.

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