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An anonymous person brought to my attention that someone was coping my story on this platform and publishing my work like it was their material. I know I've been falling behind on my chapters, but this hit a core with me. I want to make it known that everything in this story I wrote by myself. I didn't have any assistance coming up with the story's plot, writing the story itself, or even editing/grammar checking my content. (I know some chapters NEED to be grammar checked here and there, but that is not the point.) My personal life experiences have influenced and inspired my writing for this book. In addition, I drew inspiration from my favorite television show and movies that resigned with me to help bring out my best version of creativity, and I have no shame in stating that this character has inspired me to do this or that. However, there is a big difference between inspiration and plagiarism.

Inspiration: "the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially to do something creative. Inspiration is a feeling of enthusiasm you get from someone or something that gives you new and creative ideas."

Plagiarism: "the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own."

---- More specifically, direct plagiarism: "often the person copying from the text does not change even a single word. The plagiarist can also change parts of sentences or replace some of the words with his/her own."

(These are directly quoted by google definition from Oxford Languages and

It pains me to see someone just mimicking my chapters damn near verbatim and not give credit where it is due. I took time out of my day just like anyone else who writes on Wattpad or other platforms to create content, a story for everyone to read and enjoy. However, it is frustrating to know someone is copying my story and making minor changes (from specific chapters to my book description): changing names, location, and switching up details so it would go unnoticed. Also, even going as far as not even changing anything and straight copy and paste the work. I know my writing style and my storyline. My story is being copied, and I don't appreciate that, especially all the work I put into creating this piece. I wanted to write a book that people can enjoy and either relate to or take themselves out of their reality for a brief minute. It is great if my work and other Wattpad writers have inspired you to write your own story, but please do not plagiarize my work or anyone's story.

This encounter made me feel hesitant and uneasy about posting more chapters to this story. Still, I will try and push through my uncomfortable feelings and continue writing as long as my imagination and productivity continue to flourish. If you notice anyone plagiarizing my work or anyone else's story verbatim, please inform the writer. It's not a good feeling knowing you put in time and effort into your piece just for someone to come in and bear fruits from your labor. 

Katsuki Bakugo X Reader: Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now