Chapter 43: Fatigued State

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Shoji spotted your team from a distance with the help of his quirk. After his observation, he made his way toward Ingenium and presented your weakened state. They are determined to take advantage of your exhausted statue, given that Pinky was eliminated by froppy, and they were one team member down. "This would be a perfect opportunity to take one of the overpowering individuals in the match since Creati and Red Riot do not have the speed to match my own." Tenya reasoned with Mezo as they planned for your extraction.

"We need to get rid of Ren quickly as possible, giving the flexibility of her quirk," Shoji spoke out to Iida as he stretched out his limbs.

"You're right! The ability to throw us off the edge can be troubling. It's best to act quickly whiles her guard is down."Tenya adjusted his helmet before extending out his legs out mid-stretch.

A few moments later...

Your guard was down as you collaborated with your teammates regarding the next move. However, your body instantly jerked, and you felt an intense breeze resigning throughout your bare skin. You were immediately dragged to the ground by Ingenium just before the engine hero sped away from your teammates. "LET ME GO!!!!" You ignited an energy wave that released you from Iida's grasp. However, you were separated from your partners.

"Surrender for your heinous crime, villain," Tenya accelerated his quirk, engine boost, to essentially knock you off balance, which placed you at a disadvantage due to his incredible speed.

"What crimes did I commit, sir!" The four-eyed hero did his best to distract you and keep you busy with numerous powerful, high-speed kicks. Ultimately, you used your quirk to protect vital parts of your body to ensure minimal damage from the young hero.

"Geez, I don't know." Iida stood there with considerable uncertainty on his face as he continued to ponder on his thoughts of you being a villain. "That doesn't matter! You're the villain, and I will defeat you at all cost!"

"But what about everyone else?" you shouted back as you tried to evade his attacks.

"You're the only villain I see in front of me. I won't make any mistakes in letting you go free!" Ingenium continues to zoom past you with his immense speed.

Geez, he takes this acting thing seriously, you thought to yourself before creating some distance from your attacker. You tap the comms by your ear to inform Momo and Enjiro of your set location, but you displayed it in a way that even Iida wouldn't notice you were calling for backup.

As you readied your stance, you saw Tentacole entering the vicinity as he disclosed that your team is heading in our direction. Damnit! There goes that plan. Shit, I can't catch a break—first Kacchan and now these two.

"Ok! We have to eliminate this villain quickly before her backup arrives." Tenya readies his stance as his quirk converts power into his legs, igniting and creating the engine-like sound behind him.

Tenya continued to perform quick reflexes as he incorporated multiple kick-style in his attacks. At the same time, Shoji manifested several arms at once, allowing him to unleash a barrage of blows towards your body. However, you ignited an energy wave to generate some range from your enemies.

 However, you ignited an energy wave to generate some range from your enemies

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