Chapter 7: Encounter

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"Hey," you stated with a soft voice while you are sitting upright on the bed.

"Hey," said Bakugo with a soft raspy tone as he slowly closing the door behind him.

We continued to stare at each other with an awkward silence. As I continue to look at him, my face began to blush uncontrollably as I glared into his crimson eyes. Speechless... "I don't know what to say, I don't know what to do," you thought to yourself as you were confronted with your inner thoughts.

Bakugo broke the silence between the two of you. "Uh, did you enjoy yourself tonight?"

"Yea, I did. What about you?" you replied while displaying an awkward demeanor.

"It's whatever," Bakugo stated, "but it would have been better if I was around you the whole night," as Bakugo looked away.

"A- Around me? Wait, what?" you questioned with curiosity.

"Fuck Ren. It would have been better if you weren't with those damn extras and be around me more," Bakugo projected as he glared back at Ren.

You felt instantly triggered by Bakugo's tone of voice as it brought you back to the moments your ex-boyfriend use to insult you. "Hey, you don't have to yell," you stated with a stern voice, and you jumped up from the bed and walked towards him. You slapped Bakugo on his chest, but your hit did not affect him based on the expression on his face. "If you're going to do that then get the fuck ou-"

In the middle of your statement, you rolled your eye and turn your back away from Bakugo; however, you felt a hand grabbing your arm, and you quickly turn around with a shocked look on your face. As a result, you stumbled on your feet, which cause you to fall backward thinking that Bakugo was going to hit you.

Bakugo reacted quickly and accordingly by wrapping his arms around your waist, catching you in the air before you fell to the ground.

Trying to steady your breathing, you looked into Bakugo's eye before traveling to his lips then back at his eye as he pulled you back up into an upright stand position.

"I... I...," you started to get flustered with your words as your bodies were close to one another.

"You what?" Bakugo responded in a concerning way as his hands remained on your waist.

A silent pause, "I need you to go, Katsuki," you stated with an unsure tone.

"Huh." With a surprised look in his eye, Bakugo slowly back away from you. Bakugo turned his away and began to slowly walk to the door, and softly stated, "I'm sorry."

As Bakugo was close to the door, he felt a gravitational pull that stopped him in his tracks. "Huh, what the..." Bakugo was apprehension about why he couldn't move. Then, he realized a red aura coming off his body. You used your quirk to stop Bakugo from leaving the room.

You walked up to Bakugo and grabbed his hand. "I'm sorry. Please stay," as a single tear began to fall from your eyes as you release your quirk on Bakugo.

Bakugo turned around and looked into your eye as he wipes away that one tear. "Yea, whatever you need."

He can tell that Ren was trying to hold back her feelings. He wasn't sure about the reason why Ren is feeling that way. All he knows and all he cares about is her. Almost losing Ren during the training camp made Bakugo realize that he worried for her, and the fact he felt sick to his stomach knowing he almost lost her.

You slowly pulled Bakugo towards your body as you slowly moved back towards your bed.

You climbed up onto the bed as you continued to pull Bakugo close. You laid down on the right side of the mattress to make sure Bakugo had space to lay down right next to you. His presence made you feel comfortable... it made you feel safe.

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