Chapter 3: Training Session

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The sun's ray shine on your face as you slowly started to open your eye. "Ughhhh, why sun. Can you give me five more minutes?" Of course, you couldn't fall back to sleep, so you decided to get up from the bed. Today, you have decided to get some training done to help improve your quirk. You already asked Mr. Aizawa's permission to use Gym Gamma.

You made your way downstairs to fix yourself something quick to eat, so you won't feel weak while you are training

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You made your way downstairs to fix yourself something quick to eat, so you won't feel weak while you are training. On your way to the gym, you noticed someone in front of you. It appears that they were walking in the same direction as you.

"Heeeeyyyy," you shouted in hopes of getting the person's attention.

The individual turned around with a stern look on their face.

"Oh crap," you thought to yourself as you recognized the person is questioning. "Hmm, of course, I would see you here."

"What the hell does that suppose to want?" Bakugo pronounced as he faces your direction.

"Oh, nothing." You quickly avoided any dispute. "I'm going to train at Gym Gamma. What are you doing?" You questioned him as you slightly tilt your head to the side.

"None of your damn business," Bakugo stated while walking away from you.

"Come ooonnn Katsuki," you whined as you walked closer to him. "If you're going to go train, we can do that together. I'm trying to be nice here".

"Why the hell would I train with you?" Bakugo expressed in a nonchalant tone.

"To get stronger, of course. Come oooonnn." You continued to whine. "Unless you're scared or whatever," you said sarcastically.

 "Unless you're scared or whatever," you said sarcastically

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Bakugo was intently ticked off. "THE FUCK!!!"

You giggled at Bakugo's initial reaction. "Hmmm, it's settled. Let's go!" As you rushed to Bakugo, grabbing his hand as you both moved towards the Gym Gamma.

You and Bakugo made it to the gym, and you both noticed Cementoss have already set up the floor for your arrival. The training started with some individual warm-up stretches. You looked at Bakugo. "Hey, Katsuki, can you help me stretch?"

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