Chapter 2: One v One

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It's been a month and a half since you've been at this school, and you find yourself adjusting quite fine. It is still hard to manage your feelings about leaving your family and friends back at home, but you find it comforting that you could make some new friends here. You were also able to switch over your provisional licensing to Japan, and now you have the opportunity to be an intern at Hawks' agency, the number #2 hero. You were thinking about aiming high on the billboard and try to secure a spot at the number #1 hero's agency, but you were aware that there are three other student interns at the place already. Plus, Hawks is young, kinda, cute, and highly intelligent, so you thought his agency would help you grow into the hero you aspire to be.

You entered the locker room with the other girls as everyone got ready for their 1v1 training matchup. Class 3-A had to put on their hero costumes because the students conducted the matches in Ground Beta. Of course, Mr. Aizawa has predetermined the lineup for each match, and you were paired up against none other than Katsuki Bakugo.

Once you made it to the practice ground, you made eye contact with the ash-blonde from a distance. You noticed that he was making his way towards you. "Make sure you give it everything you got," as Bakugo brushed past you while hitting your body with his shoulder.

"Was planning on it," you answered with annoyance.

It was your turn for the matchup training, and you and Bakugo took your positions, waiting for the countdown.

*3... 2...1... BEGIN*

Bakugo charged at you, ready to unleash a multiple mini-explosion to test out his quirk against his opponent. You decided to stick to the defensive while you figure out the best solution to bring him down. You used this time to study Bakugo and explore his strengths and weaknesses. However, you have a plan on how you will finish Bakugo off in the match. You decided to save your telekinesis towards the end or in a direr situation.

You have been dipping and dodging Bakugo attacks with your quick reflexes, which was starting to make his anger grow profusely.

"QUIT RUNNING AWAY AND FIGHT ME, YOU BASTARD!!!" Bakugo shouted as he continues to throw out a combination of punches and explosions at you.

You realized it was time to get serious with him, and you started to go on the offensive. Every time Bakugo used his explosion, you will react quickly and generate a barrier to protect yourself. Then, you will counter with various energy blasts or close combat attacks, depending on the distance between you and Bakugo.

Bakugo used his quirk to increase his agility towards you as he gets ready to unleash a huge explosion. You see the explosion heading your way. You lifted your hand and faced it towards Bakugo and his blast; with your quirk, a red aura collectively gathers the explosion Bakugo launches at you. Bakugo's eyes widen as he is trying to figure out what you are doing. You rotated your body's position and clenched your hand into a fist. Then, the explosion is warping around you in a more tight and uniformed manner.

"What the hell?" Bakugo said in shock as he is witnessing what you are doing to his explosion.

Shifting your hand open as you directed it back towards Bakugo, you unleashing his explosion quirk back at him at a much stronger and faster rate. Giving Bakugo no options but to try to avoid the blast, and you manage to break one of his gauntlets.

While the battle resumes, Bakugo caught on to your patterns, and he used that against you as he created a fake illusion that he was going to attack your side. As he got closer to you, he instantly swung his leg towards your feet, which caught you off guard, and you disarm your ability to create a shield to block at that very moment. Bakugo pinned you down on the ground, and he raised his hand directed to you as he gets ready to unleash an explosion in close contact. "NOW DIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEE!"

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