Chapter 5: Rescue

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Without any hesitation, Bakugo dove into the water in hopes of releasing you from your bindings. Swimming through the cold depths of the ocean, he spots a red aura radiating from your body. You tried to use your quirk to disintegrate the cage you were entrapped in, which took everything you had to free yourself due to the lack of oxygen flowing through your brain. However, the injuries you sustain have caused you to reach your limit. You begin to run out of oxygen as you cling to your last breath. Your eyes began to close... Slowly fading... into darkness.

Bakugo swam to you as quickly as he could. He grabbed on to you tightly, and he tried his best to swim to the surface, realizing you were out of air.

Once reaching the top of the water, Bakugo made his way to the nearest land. He laid your lifeless body on the ground as he checked for any sign of life: no breathing and no pulse, and he started to pump your chest. "Wake up, god damnit, wake up!" Bakugo panicked, realizing whatever he was doing was not working. Bakugo put his mouth onto your lips, and he tried to bring air into your lungs.

As he continues to pump your chest, Bakugo cries out, "Ren! Wake up, you idiot, I didn't say you can die, god damnit!" The rest of the students made their way to your location, including Mr. Aizawa, Recovery Girl, and another pro hero whose quirk was water manipulation. The pro hero ran straight to you while Izuku and Kirishima ran towards Bakugo to pull him away from your body.

"Kacchan, everything will be ok" Izuku tried to comfort him.

"No, it's not! Get off me, you damn nerd!" Upset and disappointed in himself because he could save you. "How am I supposed to be a hero if I could even save this girl in front of me."

"Kacchan, you tried your best. You can't beat yourself up for that." Izuku tightly clenched onto Bakugo's body.

"And at the end of it, you're the one who pulled Ren out of the water. You got to her first before anyone could. She would still be in the ocean if it weren't for you." Kirishima pitched in with agreeing with Izuku

The pro hero located the water in Ren's body and pulled the water from her lung and out of her mouth.

Ren began to cough continuously as she gasped for air.

"See, Kacchan, she's ok," Izuku reassured Bakugo as he began to stare at you with watery eyes.

You began to murmur a name in a weak voice. It was difficult for everyone to understand what you said as your body was gasping for oxygen. Mr. Aizawa went closer to your face so he could hear what you were trying to say. "Ka...tsu... ki". Mr. Aizawa then looked at Bakugo, signaling that she had called for him.

Emergency personnel and other heroes came to investigate the scene. Even Hawks came to visit you since you are his intern student. "I need to speak to Ren alone," he shooed everyone in the surrounding area.

"Are you alright, kid?" Hawks gave you a blanket, and then he covered you with his wings

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"Are you alright, kid?" Hawks gave you a blanket, and then he covered you with his wings.

"The fact that I'm alive... yea, I'm good." You leaned in to gather some warmth from him.

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