Chapter 33: Bonfire

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I'm sorry it took me long to post a new chapter for this story. A lot has been going on that are outside of my control, and it's kinda causing me stress and little anxiety lately. However, Ima try to write more because it's some what helping me manage these intense feelings (when I'm actually in the zone). I hope you enjoy the chapter. Part two will probably come out next week.




You heard a loud shout on the other side of your door as you turn your head slightly when a familiar tone resonates within your eardrums. You shut your eyes momentarily as you think to yourself what person has come across and angered the ash-blonde this time.

You slowly rose your body from the bed as you swung a leg off the edge of the mattress. You migrate towards the main dresser and grab one of your favorite hoodies as you slip it over your head, and it adjusts appropriately over your body. Of course, your favorite hoodie was the one you stole from Katsuki's closet that still has his lingering scent attached to the fabric.

Your body slowly makes its way to your boyfriend's dorm room door. You hovered your hand over the door as you gently knocked on the wooden doorway.

"Go fuck off," Bakugo yelled across the room as he did not show any signs of getting up from his bed.

You tilted your head to the side as you let off a scoff before entering the room uninvitedly. "I know you did not tell me to go fuck off. Who do you think you are?"

Bakugo gazed his attention towards you for a moment as he exhaled heavily, and his crimson eyes made eye contact with your orbs. Then, the ash-blonde redirected his vision to the ceiling as he continues to ponder in his deep consciousness.

You raised your hand and red energy resonated from your fingertips as you used your quirk to nudge your boyfriend's body before you entered into space to sit across his bed. "It looks like you had a shitty day. Wanna talk about it?"

Bakugo slowly picked himself up as he migrated towards your vicinity, and he began to rest his head on your lap. Meanwhile, you gently stroke his hair with your fingertips. You continue to hold space for your man as you realize he was still processing whatever he was going through within that moment.

"Mr. Aizawa is making me take this stupid anger management class to continue at my intern site. It's fuckin annoying and time-consuming because I'm trying to become number one hero one day, and I can't just spend my time in another classroom when I could be doing more hero work."

"Well, maybe Mr. Aizawa thought it was needed this time. Have you started attending the class yet?" You continue to twist your hand as your index fingers wrap around Katsuki's hair.

"Yea, I had to attend the stupid class. I don't understand why I have to attend it in the first place." Bakugo respectfully removed your hands from his hair as he repositioned his body to an upright posture.

"Maybe it's because you lose your shit when it comes to Izuku and other people, you know?" You lightly snicker to yourself as you watch your boyfriend's irritation grow from your comment.

"Maybe it's because you lose your shit when it comes to Izuku and other people, you know?" You lightly snicker to yourself as you watch your boyfriend's irritation grow from your comment

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