Chapter 4: Attack

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Class 3-A students were stationed in a secluded area to continue their intensive training as a part of their curriculum in the hero course (similar to the train camp arc). They were located next to a cliffside, one of the most beautiful scenery one can only dream about. It was the perfect place for the student to continue and strengthen their quirks away without creating any casualties, in addition to the amount of space they have to utilize for their training ground.

The mansion itself was humongous, like it was made for a wealthy person, more like a pro hero. The homeowner donated the place for future hero students to give back to the next generation hero society by providing extra space for a training ground for future pros.

As the bus came to a halt, everyone rushed out with amazement in their eyes that they will be staying here for a week.

"I call dips on the biggest room," said Mina as she rushed towards the building.

"What! You can't do that!! No fair," replied Kirishima as he tried to keep up with her.

"You can't call dips like that without everyone having a fair shot at the rooms," Kaminari responded in a whining voice.

"You're just mad because you didn't think about it first," laughed Mina as she stuck her tongue out to them.

"All right, all right, everyone follows me," Mr. Aizawa stated as he tried to calm the students down.

Mr. Aizawa guided the students into the mansion. He designated assigned rooms to each student so he didn't have to deal with them bickering over the sleeping arrangements.

In the midst of everything, Bakugo grabbed your arm and pulled you aside to an empty room as your back hit the wall. "Bruh? What's your problem," you whispered in an angry tone.

"Why are you avoiding me?" Bakugo asked you.

"I don't know what your talkin-"

"Don't play dumb with me. Why are you avoiding me?" Bakugo places his hand on the wall, enclosing you with his presence.

You looked into his eyes as you wanted to explain your feelings about that day after leaving Gym Gamma. You were confused about what happened and the fact how you felt disrespect, yet you also acknowledge that you didn't expect him to defend you or anything. "I wanted to give you your space with your girlfriend, so I removed myself from the situation."

"She's not my damn girlfriend." A mini explosion came out of Bakugo's hands.

"She's not?! But she sure seems close to you."

"Rui and I used to date during my last year in 2-A, but things didn't turn out the ways we wanted, so I ended the relationship."

"You don't have to explain yourself to me, Katsuki," your eyes softened.

"I know I don't have to say anything, but I want to," he backed away from you.

"No hard feelings over here. Let's catch up with the grou-"

 Let's catch up with the grou-"

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