Chapter 36: Love and Basketball

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As the day continued to flourish, you, Bakugo, and your aunt continued to enjoy your time with one another. You all engaged in small activities that consist of light chores to help your aunt around the house, a small grocery run to make sure she has food in the pantry, and a regular chill moment by the television screen. The young hero was able to see a side of you that you would only show around your family members: a side of vulnerability displayed differently compared to being around friends. The ash-blonde secretly continues to fall more in love with you as he continues to observe your demeanors throughout the day.

Of course, your auntie couldn't help but read his mind with her quirk as she witnessed him stealing glances from time to time at her lovely niece. However, his actions brought her joy as she observed with her own eyes the love and care that this man has for Ren.

"Hey, Ren. When's the last time you hooped?" As she flopped onto the couch with her body spread across the sofa.

"I'm not sure, probably before I've moved out here. Why wsup?" You laid down on the ground as you were shooting the ball into the air, catching it with your hands, and repeating the same cycle again and again.

"I thought we could go to the park and shoot for a little bit." Your auntie responded in a delightful tone as she started to reminisce on the precious moments you both used to play at the park during your childhood.

"I'm down. Are you cool with that Kacchan?" You redirected your attention to the ash blonde before you through the basketball within his vicinity. Luckily, your man has quick reflexes and could catch the ball before it smacked him on the face.

Bakugo hummed to himself, "let me guess. You use your quirk to help you play, huh?" As he threw the ball back to you.

You instantly caught the basketball and threw it right back at the ash-blonde with an aggressive force. "You think I need my quirk to be good at something? Wow, shitty thing to say, asshole."

You displayed a frustrated look that caused Bakugo to momentarily tense up, "Ba... Babe, I didn't mean it like tha...."

"I'm kidding, babe. Relax''. You slightly started giggling to yourself as your angered expression melted away with ease. "Nah, but foreal tho. I don't need my quirk. I got that natural-born skillz," you spoke out with confidence as you flipped your curly hair to the side.

Your aunt couldn't take you seriously because she knew you play way too much. Plus, you would have shown a different side of yourself if you were offended by his statement.

Everyone grabbed their necessary belongings as I made the way out the doorsteps. Then, of course, you invaded Bakugo space by holding and interlocking your fingers with his hands before you made your way to the local park nearby.

You started to experience an antsy feeling as you release your grasp on the ash blonde's hands. Then, you interchange your hand movement with the basketball, dribbling the ball in-between your legs and faking a mock jump shot at random moments as you draw closer to the basketball courts.

Bakugo couldn't help but glare as he was not surprised by your tomboyish ways. Gazing upon your body physique as you rock rolled-up basketball shorts, A tight yet loosely fitted dri-fit t-shirt, and a pair of Jordan 12s to match all the fit accordingly.

You couldn't help but feel comfortable on the courts as everything became second nature to you when you engaged in solo drills and exercises on the court.

Bakugo d up in front of you as he positioned himself in a defensive stance with his arm stretched out to his side with his knees slightly bent and him dancing on the balls of his feet. "Let's see what you got, short stuff."

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