Chapter 6: Realization

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Things resorted back to normal within the next couple of days as the students returned to their school schedule. Some of the students decided to have a get together in the common area. Everyone was pretty excited to engage in the traditional game night with various card and board games, video games, as well as listening to music and talking amongst each other.

Mina was extremely excited because she wanted certain people to pair up with each other, and this was her chance to get that done.

"We should play spin the bottle today or maybe true or dare!" Mina suggested to the group while eating her breakfast

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"We should play spin the bottle today or maybe true or dare!" Mina suggested to the group while eating her breakfast.

"Aren't we a little too old for that?" You commented back to Mina while scratching your head.

"Come on... learn to live a little Ren," She teased right back.

"Alright, give me that same energy when you get paired with Mineta" Mina spit out her water. "Ok ok nevermind," you were humored by her reaction.

"Whaaaaat?! What's wrong with being matched up with me?" Mineta asserted himself in the conversation.

"Do you really want to go there," Jiro stated while feeling irritated towards the prevented grape-like child.

"Just so you know, I happen to be great in-" Jiro attacked Mineta mid-sentence using her earphone jacks to shut him up.

Everyone split up to get through their daily activities while preparing for the nighttime festivities.

Threw out the day, you took the time to video chat your family and friends back at home while mindlessly walking around the dorm. At the end of the conversation, you decided to head back to your room. You noticed your phone started to ring again, and you starred at your phone in shock that your ex-boyfriend is calling you. You were so concerned about the initial phone call that you bumped right into Bakugo's chest.

 You were so concerned about the initial phone call that you bumped right into Bakugo's chest

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You stumble backward as your phone fell to the ground. "Oi, watch where you're going, idiot." Bakugo looked down at the floor as he noticed that someone is calling your phone. He noticed that your facial expression dropped as you snatched the phone from the ground.

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