Chapter 40: Movie Night

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"Ren, slooow doooowwwnnn!" Mina spoke out as you dragged her body to your dorm room right before you quickly closed and locked the door.

"Hey hey hey. What's going on?" Mina paused momentarily before embracing you with a bear hug, and you sunk deep within her grasp.

"Girl, everything."

You let out a massive sigh before you vented out the whole scenario of your encounter with Rui as Mina displayed an array of emotions across her face.

"That girl is TRIFLING! She doesn't know when to quit and leave Bakugo alone." The pink girl crossed her arms and began to shake her head disappointingly. "However, Bakugo had his role in this too by not telling you in the first place." Mina continued to discuss her thoughts and opinions on the matter.

"Of course, I would have been upset about the situation. What girlfriend wouldn't be mad at news like that?" You flopped on the bed as your body began to sink into the mattress. "But, I feel like I would have been understanding of the circumstances and other outside factors that would have played a role in this encounter, minus that bitch. However, Bakugo never really gave me a chance," You spoke out with such disagreement within your eyes.

"Do you think you'll be ok, love?" Mina paused before she spoke out again. "Do you want me to put acid on the wench's hair? Because I WILL! Just say the word!"

You both laughed at Mina's crazy suggestion, and you displayed an exciting look at accepting her request. However, you fell back and decided that karma will come to her eventually. "Naaahhh, she's not worth it. She is hella weak anyways. I know I can beat her ass, no cap."

"My money is on you any day! You better let me know when that day comes! I'll make sure no one jumps in like at the mall." Mina raises her fist in the air as she signifies that she will be ready for battle.

"Bet bet bet!" Mina is hyping you up to where you display an antsy manner by bouncing on the bed.

"Bet bet bet!" Mina is hyping you up to where you display an antsy manner by bouncing on the bed

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The conversation came to an end when you both heard a faint knock on the door. You both redirected your attention to the entrance as a slight of anxiety flushed throughout your body. You had a feeling only one person could make their way to your room.

"You think you are ready for that conversation now with him?" Mina redirected her attention to you as she is worried about her friend's upcoming encounter with her man.

"I'm not sure, to be honest. But it's now or never, right?." You displayed an unsure look, yet you welcome the dialog that needs to be addressed between you and Bakugo.

Mina raised her bottom from the bed as she made her way to the bedroom' exit. As Mina opens Ren's door, she directs her gaze into the ash-blonde's crimson eyes. "You better make this shit right."

Bakugo stood at the entrance, and he continued to look at you with shame and guilt. The ash-blonde didn't even attempt to rebuttal after Mina's statement.

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