C4 P1 - Memories

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June 14th (Day 18)

With the NILS Statue destroyed, our heroes had headed back home to get some well deserved rest. As 8 and 9 had nowhere to stay, Pearl offered for them to stay at her mansion.

While having some breakfast, 9 couldn't help but notice that everyone except 8 were occasionally staring at him. 9 eventually decided to break the silence.

9: "I don't want to be rude, but is something wrong?"

Marina: "Oh, uh...nope."

Pearl: "Yeah, nothing's wrong yo."

9: "Right..."

There was an awkward silence for a few moments, before Daisy decided to speak up.

Daisy: "Guess I'll say something. Nine, we just couldn't help but notice that you look a little...different."

9: "The Cap'n did say something about me not looking like a normal Octoling."

Dan: "Hmm...Call me crazy, but I would say you look... human."

Everyone's eyes widened from Dan's response, Pearl spat out her pancake.

Pearl: "WHAT!?"

Daisy: "His nose and mouth are quite different, no offence."

9: "None taken."

Marina seemed to narrow her eyes, her eyes switching between Dan and Jace. Before her eyes lit up in realisation. It sort of looked like she was holding back...excitement?

Marina: "A Human-Octarian Hybrid, incredible... Nine, can you come with me real quick?"

9: "Uh, sure. Why not?"

Marina stands up and pulls Nine out of his chair.

Marina: "This way!"

9: "You don't have to drag me Marina!"

9's protests didn't seem to matter, as Marina pulled him down the corridor.

Daisy: "Well, that was something."

Pearl: "Eh, that's Marina for ya. She's always been a nerd, but I love her regardless."

8: "Where is she taking 9?"

Pearl: "The garage I think, she keeps all sorts of weird junk there."

Dan: "I thought Marina didn't like people going in the garage?"

Pearl: "That's only cuz she has stuff in there she wants to keep under wraps, like Splatfest stage designs or some fancy tech to go in them. Nine probably won't see any of that though."

They then heard footsteps in the corridor, Marina and Nine had returned.

Marina: "The scans are done, we just got to wait for them to be processed. We're gonna be pretty busy with Splatfest so I won't be going in there until that's over."

8/9: "Splatfest?"

Pearl: "For eel, you don't know? It's basically a competition between 2 teams. This time round, we're fighting to see how people like they're OJ, IT'S PULP OR NO PULP BABYYYYY! I'm on Pulp, just so you know."

Marina: "And I'm on No Pulp! What team are you two gonna join?"

8: "I don't know what OJ is."

Marina: "Well, would you want to be on my team Eight?"

Pearl: "Hey!"

9: "Don't worry Pearl, I'm a pulp guy, so I'll join you."

Marina: "Guess that solves that!"

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