The 40K Q&A Answers!

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Hey everyone, thank you for taking the time to ask all these questions! I don't want to keep you waiting so let's get right to it!

@AlRKnd-93 asks:

To Dan: What old human music bands from before the flood would you see Callie being interested in?

@GX_Writer asks:

To Dan: Do you like any metal bands (maiden fan myself) and are there any TV shows you couldn't finish because of the flood?

Dan: "I was more interested in individual artists than bands, but I did like bands like Coldplay and One Republic! As for metal bands, uh...maybe Imagine Dragons? Radioactive was pretty good when it came out. If I was to guess what bands Callie would be interested in, she likes music with energy, so maybe Panic! At the Disco? I can't really say for certain as I haven't listened to them, but it seems like a band Callie would like."

A/N: I had to do so much research on bands just to answer this question lmao

To Callie: Thoughts on Dan, and is there any music he's created/showed you that you liked?

Callie: "Oh! There was this one song that Dan was making that I liked! He didn't seemed to think it was that good but I talked some sense into him. It was rough in some places, sure, but I know it'll be great! I think Dan was gonna call it "Conditional Hue". When I asked him what the name meant, he just said that it "represented the flaws of human society". Not sure what that really means, but whatever, I'm sure it'll turn out great!"

@Johonix-zxy asks:

What are your thoughts on Splatoon 3? If you do incorporate Splatoon 3, how will it affect the story?

I'm really hyped for Splatoon 3, I've already pre-ordered it! The new idols are awesome, and I'm super excited for the story mode! I really liked Tricolour matches, shame they were kinda tedious to get into at times. And Salmon Run and Big run look funky as well, not as excited for them but they still do look pretty fun regardless!

As for how I will incorporate Splatoon 3 into the story, well I'm hoping to have more human related stuff going on, but I'm thinking I'll wait until I've played the story mode just so I know how to go about introducing all that.

@ryancloutier asks:

To Marina: First I would like to say you are possibly the best character in Splatoon and in the story second are you interested in any male human like say for example Dan?

@Enrique405496 asks:

To Dan: How much have you simped for Callie over the years?

A campfire can be seen, burning the questions. Relief washed over Dan and Marina.

Marina: "It was for the best."

Dan: "Yep."

@WinterOctopus asks:

To the idol groups: How are you dealin' with the crowd lately? Just wanna check up on ya'll since you guys have so much responsibility on your shoulders!

Marie: "Eh. About as fine as things can be. People like us, so they're gonna flock to us. It's just one of the things you have to accept when you're famous."

Marina: "I mean, it's not that bad! People are usually pretty respectful, so it's actually quite fun to meet them."

To Mizuta and Amelia: So...have you two been friends for a while? Or...y'know...M O R E than friends?? *Shipping intensifies*

We once again, see the question burning in a campfire. Amelia turned to the camera with a cold stare.

Amelia: "We're just friends."

Mizuta pops out behind with a nervous thumbs up.

Mizuta: "Y-yep, just friends!"

A/N: Thanks for the questions everyone! I'm not really sure why so many people had ship-related questions, but this is fanfiction so I guess it was bound to pop up haha. 

Now I just need to continue writing C5 lol

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