C3 P4 - A fellow Octo...?

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Shortly after Agent 8 and the Cap'n arrived in the Metro.

♪ Now Playing: Deepsea Metro Central Station ♪

A figure laid dormant in a specimen tank, filled with a strange green liquid. They had a mask attached to their face so they could breathe. They were not Inkling, Octoling or even a Human.


The specimen tank began to be emptied out, the figure was waking up. Before it could gather its senses however, alarms started going off in the room. Something had malfunctioned and was about to explode.


They had been released, but barely had enough energy to move. They saw an open vent that looked to lead out of the room. With no other choice, they crawled into it and narrowly escaped the explosion. Rubble came down and blocked the vent, there wasn't any going back now.

They pressed on and eventually found an exit. They decided to rest for a while before they started kicking the vent, after some time it flew off. They crawled out and stood up, stretching their limbs, and then looked down at their hands.

???: "Where am I...?"

They realised that they weren't going to get any answers by standing there. They looked around and realised that they were on train tracks. They decided to head right and hoped that they would find something.

They eventually saw a light at the end of the tunnel, after a few more minutes of walking they arrived at a platform. They see a sign and it reads:

Deepsea Metro East Station

His head started to hurt after reading it, how could he read it? This writing is completely new to him. He decided to look around and saw a button, he decided to press it and loud, frequent beeps started emitting from it.

???: "I guess this calls a train?"

He decided to wait to see if one would arrive. He sat down, and tried to figure out what was happening.

♪ Now Playing: Inside The Deepsea Metro Subway Car ♪

Agent 8 and the Cap'n took a seat, they knew something big was coming so a little rest didn't hurt.

Cap'n: "I'm pooped, Agent 8. Gonna rest my cuttlebones here for a bit."

Before they could say anything else though, the train door opened. A small Sea Cucumber appeared.

???: "Thank you for using Deepsea Metro today. I am your humble conductor, C.Q. Cumber."

Cap'n: "You gotta be squiddin' me! A talkin' sea slug!?"

C.Q. Cumber: "Pardon me? I take it this is your first time riding with us..."

C.Q. Cumber then SLOWLY made his way over to the duo, it took so long it looked like the Cap'n was gonna fall asleep.

C.Q. Cumber: "Here's the deal. We're in a vast underground facility operated by the Kamabo Corporation . It's a series of test chambers connected by the Deepsea Metro subway system."

He then turns to Agent 8, and notices she's holding a CQ-80.

C.Q. Cumber: "I see that you're in possession of a CQ-80 device. I take it your aim is to reach the promised land ?"

Cap'n: "That's right! We want out of here!"

C.Q. Cumber: "Understood. The promised land is a paradise to which we denizens of the depths are forbidden entry. To reach it, you must pass a test at each Deepsea Metro Station and collect the four thangs ."

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