C3 P3 - Hanging Out

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♪ Now Playing: Tentakeel Outpost (Sector 1) ♪

Callie and Marie were relaxing at Tentakeel Outpost. Marie enjoyed having some company. Sure Izzy and Daisy occasionally came back, but most of the time they were in another sector. So to have someone else here was pleasant, especially since it was Callie.

They then turned towards the grate, they could hear a noise coming from it. It sounded like...screaming?

???: "aaaaaaAAAAAAHHHHH!"

Two figures came out of the grate, one landed on their feet while the other landed head first on the ground.

Marie: "Oh hey Daisy, is that-"

Callie: "Danny!"

Callie ran over to help Dan.

Callie: "Are you okay?"

Dan: "I'm fine, ow."

Callie helped him up, Dan was holding his head in pain.

Daisy: "I told you it was fast."

Dan: "Yeah but you never said I wouldn't be able to control myself!"

Daisy: " Whoops ."

Daisy gave Dan a smug look which really irritated him.

Callie: "Marie, you're being a bad influence! Your sassiness is spreading!"

Marie: "What? Come on Cal, when have you ever known me to be sassy?"

Marie flashed a cheeky grin, which Callie responded to by squinting her eyes at her.

Dan: "Anyway, good to see you again Cal."

Callie: "Yeah, I missed you!"

Marie: "I forgot you two know each other, did you guys talk much?"

Callie: "We talked SO MUCH! We were roommates AND partners, so we were always together!"

Marie: "Roommates, huh?"

Dan: "Yeah, we had a bunk bed."

Marie: "Ah, I see. What brings you two here anyway?"

Daisy: "We just wanted to see how you guys were doing, and Dan wanted to meet you guys properly."

Callie: "Well me and Dan are already besties! Right Dan?"

Dan: "Yep, BFFs!"

BFF Fistbump!

Dan: "Oh, and Marie, I owe you a 'thank you'."

Marie: "Huh? Why's that?"

Dan: "Well from what I can tell you're running the Splatoon, so you helped Daisy and Izzy rescue us. You and Callie also freed me from Octavio's control. So yeah, thanks."

Marie: "Heh, just doing my job."

Dan: "Speaking of which, you guys are singers as well, right?"

Callie: "Yeah! A couple of years ago we hosted Inkopolis News as well! We would tell everyone about the Battle stages and the upcoming Splatfests!"

Marie: "After that though, we started doing our own thing, so we didn't get to see each other much. I think we only had one time where we both had a break at the same time."

Callie: "Well there was another time, but..."

Marie: "Octavio."

Callie: "Yeah..."

Octavio: "Hey, I can hear you guys over there!"

Dan and Daisy jumped at the sudden voice behind them, they had forgotten that Octavio was here.

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