C3 P8 - Friendly Convo

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2 hours later, after Dan and Daisy's training

Agent 9 had woken up from his nap, he headed into 'Ink from Above Station'. The equipper popped up and he realised that he didn't have any weapons for this station. He read the description and it stated:

"Dodge missiles and get to the goal!"

9 wasn't sure what he was about to get himself into. But if they wanted to get the next thang, he was gonna have to do this station.

9 sighed and approached the turnstyle, he didn't bother asking for advice as the station seemed pretty straightforward.

He swiped his CQ Card and was pushed forward.

♪ Now Playing: #2 Ripped ♪

He looked around and saw something flying in the distance. His radio then started emitting static, Pearl and Marina started speaking.

Marina: "Missile Octocopter! Careful-those things can fire on you from a long way off."

Pearl: "Or 'Missile copter,' for short."

9: "Glad to hear from you guys again, and thanks for the advice!"

Pearl: "Don't sweat it. Now get moving!"

9: "Roger that!"

9 started jogging along the platform, moments later the Missile copter started dropping missiles on him. They were relatively easy to dodge as they gave an obvious indication on where they would land.

9 then spotted a vault,

9: "A vault, but where's the key...?"

he looked around, but it didn't appear to be anywhere.

9: "Maybe the boxes are hiding it."

He ran over to the group of boxes and waited for the Missile copter to fire. The missiles landed a few moments later, revealing a key on the other side. 9 ran over and grabbed it, and returned to the vault to unlock it.

The vault unlocked a launchpad which he hopped onto, he was sent flying through the air in his Octo form. He landed and only barely dodged out of the way of a rocket.

Pearl: "For eels? It can spot you from that far away!?"

9: "What a joke!"

The missiles had landed on an Ink Switch, which had led to a platform coming out of hiding. Thinking fast, he hopped on the platform and it started moving to the other side.

9 hopped off and landed on a bunch of inked sponges. Noticing one sticking out, 9 used the missiles to shrink it and Octo formed through the grate in the floor. He saw a canned weapon and ran for it.

Cap'n: "Grab that weapon and fire fire fire!"

9 obliged and was given a pair of Dualies, he inked the ride rail and rode back up to his landing spot. He saw a Balloon fish near a couple of floating sponges and inked it. The fish exploded and the sponges expanded. 9 Climbed up and hit the checkpoint.

9 then approached a platform made of sponges.

Marina: "This is not a good spot when missiles are being shot at you..."

She was right, he was on a platform of inked sponges with a bottomless pit below him. He had to get to those Balloon fish and fast. 9 shot and blew them up, making his way up. As he climbed up the next set of sponges the missiles landed on the sponges behind him and they shrunk.

9: "Oh boy..."

He shot at another Balloon fish and started climbing the final set of sponges. The missiles started coming down again and he barely made it to the final checkpoint.

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