C3 P7 - Turf War

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Pearl and Marina made their way home, and they decided to walk instead of taking a limo. Well it was more Marina's idea, but Pearl didn't mind. They enjoyed the peace of the Inkopolis Suburbs.

They opened the front door, and were met with Dan and Daisy were relaxing on the sofa, watching TV.

Marina: "Hey guys!"

Dan: "Heya. Anything happen in that chat while I was gone?"

Pearl: "Nah, the conversation pretty much ended after you left."

Dan: "Aight, cool."

Daisy: "So Dan gave me a brief idea of what was happening, but I wanna know more. What's actually going on with those people in the chat?"

Pearl and Marina explained how they got in contact with the Cap'n, Agent 8 and 9. And what they had been doing in Kamabo.

Daisy: "So they're stuck in a facility doing tests?"

Dan: "Sounds familiar..."

Marina: "Hopefully we'll be able to get them out soon, it sounds terrible down there!"

Daisy's phone then started going off, she pulled it out and answered.

Daisy: "Hello?"

Sheldon: "Hey Daisy! I just wanted to let you know you and Dan's Turf War armour is finished!"

Daisy: "Really? That was quick!"

Sheldon: "Well when you're someone that is as smart as me, you tend to get things done pretty quickly!"

Daisy: "Yeah no kidding. Well me and Dan will meet you at Ammo Knights!"

Sheldon: "Sounds great! See you soon!"

Daisy hung up the phone.

Daisy: "Well looks like me and Dan are gonna be playing some Turf War today!"

Dan: "Wait, the armour's done?"

Daisy: "Sounds like it. Let's go pick them up."

Pearl: "Hold on! You can't go into Turf War without us!"

Marina: "Yeah! Let us go with you!"

Daisy: "Awesome, let's go!"

They made their to Ammo Knights. When they arrived Sheldon appeared to be rather excited.

Sheldon: "Ah you finally arrived! I can't wait to see you two in action!"

Dan: "Well this is my first match so I'm not sure I'll do so well."

Sheldon: "Nonsense! Going off your sister's skills, this should be a walk in the park for you! Now go on, try them on!"

Dan and Daisy went into the changing rooms and put on their new armour, they surprisingly fit pretty well on both of them.

They came back out into the main room.

Sheldon: "I knew they would fit you well!"

Daisy: "Yeah, I feel pretty fresh with this on."

Sheldon: "Well then, I'll be giving both of you Splattershot Jr's. and you can be on your way!"

Sheldon went behind his desk and pulled out the weapons, and handed them to Dan and Daisy.

Sheldon: "Have fun out there! And remember there's no rush on that deadline."

Pearl: "Deadline? you mean-"

Daisy: "We're gonna be paying Sheldon back, yes."

Pearl: "Nah, let me just-"

Dan: "Nope."

Pearl: "But why?"

Daisy: "Because we want to do this ourselves."

Pearl: "But I could just pay it for you and it would be done with."

Marina: "Pearl, if they want to be independent and pay for their armour, let them do it."

Pearl: "Fine..."

Sheldon: "Now then, I wish you both good luck in your first game of Turf War. I assume you both know what you're doing?"

Dan: "We just gotta get ink the most turf to win, right?"

Sheldon: "Yep! Be sure to splat your opponents as well if you have to."

Dan: "Heh, it's like a kid friendly version of an FPS video game."

Sheldon: "...What?"

Dan: "Well back in my day we had-, you know what nevermind, I'll tell ya about it another time. Let's go guys!"

Sheldon: "Have fun!"

The four them made their way to the Deca Tower and entered the lobby.

Dan: "Woah..."

Daisy: "This place is so cool..."

Pearl: "Looks like we're heading to Wahoo World for this match, yo let's go!"

After a couple of hours of turfing, the team managed to amass the 80,000 coins they needed. The group headed back to Ammo Knights and gave Sheldon the money.

Sheldon: "Wow, you did it so quickly! You guys must of done quite well!"

Dan: "We did surprisingly, I thought I was gonna suck."

Daisy: "I did say you would do fine, Dan."

Dan: "Yeah, I suppose you're right."

Sheldon: "Tell ya what, I'm feeling pretty generous today, so you two can pick one weapon of your choice, as long as it's not over your level!"

Daisy: "Wow, thanks so much Sheldon!"

Sheldon: "No need to thank me, I just want you two to have a great experience in Turf War! You both are still new to our culture after all, I need to make a good first impression!"

Dan and Daisy browsed through the weaponry, they're both level 10 so they had quite a few choices.

Dan: "Hmm so many choices..."

Marina: "Well I noticed you like to get rather close to the enemy, so maybe a close range weapon?"

Pearl: "Oh oh oh! What about the dualies?"

Dan: "They did look pretty cool to use, which ones would you recommend?"

Pearl: "Well if you want something that's balanced, I would go for the Splat, Enperry or Kensa Dualies, the only difference between them are their abilities. If you want something that's high mobility, I would go for the Dark Tetra Dualies, as you can do 4 rolls instead of 2."

Dan: "It would probably be wise to start basic, right? I'll probably go with the Splat Dualies."

Pearl: "Getting to grips with the Dualies ain't a bad idea, the Splat Dualies are probably the best choice!"

Daisy: "Who knew Pearl would know so much about Dualies?"

Pearl: "Well Dualies ARE my specialty. I've used every single one of them!"

Sheldon: "Now Daisy, have you decided what weapon you might choose?"

Daisy: "Hmm...the Splat Charger."

Marina: "Wow, are you sure? The Chargers are pretty hard to use Daisy."

Daisy: "It doesn't hurt to try."

Sheldon: "Right you are! Well I'll just be a moment."

Sheldon hopped behind his desk, after a few moments the Dualies and Charger were placed on the desk.

Sheldon: "Good luck you two! I hope you enjoy your new weapons! Oh, and feel free to use the training area if you want to!"

Dan/Daisy: "Thanks Sheldon!"

They both grabbed their weapons and the four of them headed into the training area. With Pearl teaching Dan how to use the Dualies and Marina helping Daisy with the basics of a Charger.

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