C1 P3 - Home Sweet Home

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After making sure their disguises were ready, the trio made their way out of the studio and towards the house. Dan and Daisy were pretty nervous walking around in the open like this, as they didn't want to be spotted. As they were walking down the street, one of those "Inklings" waved and said what appeared to be a greeting, Dan just waved his hand, terrified for his life. The Inkling smiled and carried on with his day, and Dan almost crumbled in relief.

Eventually, the three of them arrived at what appeared to be Pearl's home, Dan and Daisy stood there in disbelief, she lived in a MASSIVE mansion! Not only that, it was on its own island! And notably far away as well.

It looked like a holiday home, the house was mainly just windows, and was surrounded by exotic plant life. It looked like paradise!

While Dan and Daisy did have quite a comfortable life, the two of them never had anything like this! Marina ushered them towards the gate and she swiped the reader with her keycard.

The gate beeped and opened up, the three of them walked in and hopped on a shuttle bus. After a few minutes, they arrived at the mansion and strolled to the front door, before Marina could open it though, the door flew open. They were met with a smaller Inkling who Dan and Daisy assumed to be Pearl, she however, didn't seem very happy.

Pearl: "#&$%#&$%#&$%#&$%#&$%#&$%!"

Marina: "#&$%#&$%#&$%#&$%#&$%#&$%."

Marina appeared to look apologetic, Pearl just let out a sigh before turning to Dan and Daisy.

Pearl: "#&$%#&$%#&$%?"

Marina: "#&$%#&$%#&$%#&$%#&$%#&$%."

Pearl looked at her friend with a concerned look but just decided to let them in.

Dan and Daisy walked in and were left in awe, it was even more spectacular on the inside. It was very open, having parts of it connect to the outside.

Marina gestured for them to follow, and they were taken to what looked like a dining room. They sat down, Dan gazed out the window and saw a river below them. Even though he had said it to himself a dozen times already, this place was beautiful .

Marina opened her bag and placed her laptop on the glass table, presumably to bring up the translator again. She then started speaking to Pearl again.

Marina: "So you're probably wondering who these people are, right?"

Pearl: "Well duh, you just let these randos in my house. Who are they?"

Marina: "Well Pearl, you're not gonna believe this."

Marina motioned to them to remove their hoods and masks and they followed the signal. When Pearl saw them, she was confused.

Pearl: "Marina, who the heck are they?"

Marina: "I'm sceptical myself, Pearl, but I believe they're humans."

Pearl: "Yo, you're joking right? They're just Inklings with a weird hairstyle; humans went extinct ages ago."

Marina: "Like I said, I'm sceptical of myself. But they're completely fluent in the human language, they don't look like anything we've seen before and they definitely cannot understand us."

Pearl: "How do you know they're speaking the 'human' language?"

Marina: "I recognised a few words they were saying, I remember learning some in school. They even made a translator for the language, which we'll be using now."

Pearl: "So I can talk to them?"

Marina: "Yep, exactly that."

Pearl: "Cool, turn it on 'Rina, let's get to the bottom of this!"

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