C1 P2 - The New World

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The door opened, sunlight poured in, blinding the duo. After climbing out and having a look around, all they saw was trees. Where was Tokyo? They were definitely in the middle of it when they arrived.

They wandered around for a while. It soon became obvious that the animals they knew were missing. There were some wild life, some they were familiar with, but there were animals they had never seen before. It just felt so...odd.

After aimlessly walking for quite some time, they found an exit out of the forest and saw something, it was a road. They turned their heads and to their amazement, they could see a city in the distance! Both of them were relieved, they weren't alone after all, humanity had already begun to rebuild civilization!

They both took in the view, it felt reassuring that they'll at least be able to live some sort of normal life despite what had happened.

After an hour of walking along the road, they had arrived in the city. They wandered around trying to find someone, it was early in the morning so it wasn't too surprising that it was quiet. They made their way to what appeared to be a Square, they saw a couple of people there as well. They were about to approach when they noticed something...off. Their hair was strange, in fact it didn't look like hair at all. And their voices sounded odd, like they were talking underwater. Dan decided to play it safe and pulled Daisy into an alleyway.

Daisy: "Woah! Dan, what are you doing?"

Dan: "Something's not right with those people Daisy, we need to play it safe."

Dan looked around the alleyway to see what his choices were. Dan noticed a door with writing he couldn't understand, he tried the handle and it opened.

Dan: "(Someone forgot to lock the door.)"

He grinned, seeing how convenient it was.

It was quiet as they entered, obviously no one had turned up yet. They wondered around, eventually finding an open area with two seats and a screen.

Daisy: "I guess this is where they do the news?"

Dan: "Yeah, seems like it."

Eventually they came across a dressing room. They opened up the wardrobe and Dan took out some clothes.

Dan: "We can use this to hide ourselves."

Daisy: "We can't just steal clothes Dan!"

Dan: "I know, But we don't have a choice. Who knows what they'll do if they find us!"

Daisy: "Fair point..."

They both grabbed some hoodies and some masks, that way no one could see much of their faces.

Just as they finished getting dressed, they heard a door open. Someone had entered the building.

Dan: "Oh shoot, Daisy get in that wardrobe."

Daisy: "But-"

Dan: "There's no time, come on!"

Dan turned the lights off and they both rushed to the cupboard and quietly closed it. Just then, a tall figure entered the room, muttering to themself.

???: "#&$%#&$%#&$%"

Dan couldn't understand what this thing said, but it sounded slightly clearer than what the other things were saying.

The figure then turned the light on and Dan was able to see who he was looking at, it appeared to be a female human, however her hair was just weird, it was massive and had suction cups on them, like an Octopus.

The strange human put down the bag they were carrying and started approached the wardrobe they were in. Dan knew immediately that they were done for. She opened the cupboard and was greeted by Dan and Daisy, she was about to scream but Daisy ran in and covered her mouth.

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