C3 P5 - Sleepover!

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Pearl and Marina had asked for a limo up to Mt. Nantai. They obviously weren't gonna walk there, it's too far away. They were dropped off near their spot and started making their way there to practise. Pearl then noticed something on the ground.

Pearl: "Yo 'Rina, you see that thing over there?"

Marina: "Yeah, I think it's a radio."

Pearl: "Yo, let's pretend we're like secret agents with it or something. Maybe we can find another!"

Marina: "Don't be silly Pearl. Let's see if it was used for anything."

Dan: "Ugh, why does Pearl's house have to be so far away?"

Daisy: "Oh quit complaining. Don't you think the walk to her house feels nice? I personally think the suburbs of Inkopolis feel...nice. Sure, the city is great and everything, but doesn't the peace and quiet feel relaxing?"

Dan: "I guess you're right. We've always had to live in London so I was just used to the noise, but when we ended up at Pearl's...it just felt weird."

Daisy: "I know what you mean, hopefully when we have a place of our own we can live nearby."

Dan: "Geez, you're a year younger than me and you already have bigger plans than I do."

Daisy: "You know I always like to think ahead Dan."

Dan: "I know, but we haven't even revealed ourselves to the public yet. So how about we just take things one step at a time before we make those sort of decisions?"

Daisy: "Fine, we'll do this your way old man ."

Dan: "Old man? You know you're over 12000 years old as well right?"

Daisy: "Sshhh...shut up."

They giggled and continued walking, eventually arriving at Pearl's house. They let themselves in and prepared for their guests.

Daisy: "So obviously you're gonna want to show those two your consoles right?"

Dan: "Duh, they don't even know about them yet!"

Daisy: "God you're so predictable..."

Dan: "Hey! Video games are awesome and I will not have you disrespect them!"

Daisy: "I didn't say they were bad, I was just hoping you had some other forms of entertainment in mind."

Dan: "Uh...human food?"

Daisy: *Sigh* "Well its not your worst idea."

Dan: "You always act as if you're older than me."

Daisy: "Because you act like a child most of the time."

Dan: "Touché. Well, can you go grab some snacks while I set up the consoles? Those two will be here any minute now."

Just as Daisy returned with the snacks, the intercom started buzzing. Daisy answered it with a pleasant tone.

Daisy: "Hellooooo!"

???: "Is there a Mr Dan and Ms Daisy in this building?"

Daisy: "Wait, Izzy is that you?!"

Izzy: "Of course! Who else would it be?!"

Callie: "Me and Marie are here too!"

Daisy: "Well come on in you guys!"

Daisy pressed the button to open the gate, moments later a knock on the door was heard. Daisy approached it and just as she opened it Callie ran through and shouted.


Izzy: "I KNOW RIGHT!?"

Marie: "It certainly puts our apartment to shame."

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