The 20K Q&A!

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Lmbchan asks:

To Dan: Here is the most important question of all questions..........................who is best waifu that the anime community has ever seen?

Dan: "Uh...gonna be honest man, never was an anime dude. It never really took off here because people had...other things to worry about. So I'm just gonna say Shaggy from Scooby-Doo, he's a great 'waifu'."

Kir-by asks:

To Bailey: do you remember anything from before you got the goo on your head?

Bailey: "I don't remember much, my mind goes blank when I try to think of what happened after I woke up. But I do remember seeing this old telephone, you know the ones you would see your Gramps using. Not sure why though."

To anyone: Do you think humans will be accepted by inkling society?

Olivia: "No one was available to answer this question, so I'll answer it.  Most Inklings are laid-back, and are willing to accept change if it doesn't affect them. So going off that, I believe humans would be accepted. Having the Squid Sisters and Off the Hook supporting them as well will help their case."

creeperking215 asks:

whens that interview that i bet u forgot. maybe, possibly, i dont actually know

Rad: "Nope, I didn't forget it. It just couldn't happen during this chapter, it would just be too out of place. So I'm saving it for later."

AaronGamer8680 asks:

How does Holly and Bailey know Dan and Daisy, are they neighbors or friends or both?

Rad: "Dan and Daisy met Holly and Bailey at a very young age at school. Dan met Bailey (Jace as well) at his first year in Primary (Elementary) school. Then a year later, when Daisy started school, she met Holly the same way. Both Dan and Daisy have more friends, but whether they're alive or not is yet to be seen."

Now, for some random facts:

Bailey, Dan and Jace are 18.

Daisy and Holly are 17.

Dan is currently a big fan of the Squid Sisters, one of the reasons being that he's thankful that they both saved him.

Dan and Daisy consider Pearl and Marina family, despite knowing them for less than a month. Though considering how much they've been through in that time, it makes sense.

Jace being part Octarian has affected him more than physically, even going as far as to change how he thinks.

Callie and Dan are close friends, and hang out when they can.

Marina feels that it's her duty to care for the humans, mostly because they're on the brink of extinction, but also because she cares about them.

Amelia and Jace also hang out frequently, mostly enjoying Turf War or exploring Inkopolis.

Pearl and Marina also enjoy being with Amelia and Jace.

Marie is still shocked humans are alive, Callie is just excited to meet them.

Izzy looks up to Olivia, and aspires to be as good of an Agent as she is.

Jace is happy, knowing that he's made his parents proud, and wants to live the best life he can.

Dan and Daisy haven't completely accepted the passing of their parents, but they are getting there.

Despite being male, Jace has female Octoling hair (the only difference being that the tentacles are shorter). This is due to having DNA from Mizuta, who is female.

A/N: Well there's the Q&A done, I just thought I would sprinkle some random facts to spice it up a bit. I hope you guys enjoyed that.

I will now being go back through the older chapters and changing up the dialogue, so expect characters to change, especially 3,4 and 8 (mostly 3 and 8 though, 4 is pretty much what I want her to be).

I don't have an exact date for when C5 P1 will be out, I would say next month at least, though anything can happen.

But with that out the way, I'll see you guys later!

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