C1 P4 - Exploring the Square!

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Dan and Daisy had begun to adjust to their new lives. Even though they had been stuck in Pearl's mansion, they had learned a lot about their marine roommates.

For starters, Marina and Pearl are a pop duo known as 'Off the Hook', not only do they sing but they also hosted Inkopolis News, which is used to show the stages for a sport known as 'Turf War'. This sport involved 2 teams trying to cover as much ground as possible with ink, they could also use the ink to swim in as well in their squid forms.

That was another surprise actually, the fact they could shapeshift into a different form. When Pearl had switched forms to demostrate, Dan almost jumped back in shock, Daisy just thought Pearl looked adorable seeing how small her squid form was.

Marina had also been working on a new device that would help Dan and Daisy communicate in a more convenient way. Instead of having to type their words, they would use the new device to speak directly to the person they're talking to. The device would also translate what an Inkling says as well so the humans could understand them too. The device was like a headset of sorts, and it includes some wires on each side so they could be plugged in, this would allow communication to work electronically as well.

After multiple test runs and ironing out some bugs, the device was ready. There was two of them so both Dan and Daisy could understand what was being said to them. Marina then started the first official conversation with the finished devices.

Marina: "Hi Dan, can you understand me?"

Dan: "I can hear you loud and clear, Marina."

Marina: "What about you Daisy, everything working for you?"

Daisy: "Yep, I can't believe I can finally understand you! Thank you Marina!"

Marina: "Aww, aren't you the sweetest? I'm glad it works."

Pearl: "Aaaaaanyways, now that we've got this whole language thingy solved. Why don't we take you guys out?"

Dan: "But how? We stand out like a sore thumb."

Marina: "We're one step ahead of you, we've gone out to get you some clothes. Hopefully these should hide your identities."

The pair were given some clothes and headed into their bedrooms to change, They had both been given beanies and sunglasses to cover most of their faces, they had also been given some splatfest t-shirts. Dan's was Team Soccer, while Daisy's was Team Baseball. They were finally given some trousers to finish the outfit.

After coming out of their bedrooms, they returned to the living room.

Daisy: "So how do we look?"

Pearl: "Pretty fresh, not gonna lie."

Marina: "You two look great! I'm happy to see it fits you two."

Dan: "Yeah thank you guys, these are great."

Pearl: "Right I'm bored, since it's our day off me and 'Rina are gonna go grab our disguises and show you round the Square!"

After putting on their disguises, the four of them headed out. It was around mid day so it was pretty populated there, but no one gave the group any thought. They were pretty hungry so they headed over to the Crust Bucket to grab a bite.

Crusty Sean: "What's Kraken?!"

Marina: "Hey Sean, could I have a Double-Fried Super Shwaffle please?"

Pearl: "Get me a Galactic Seanwich yo!"

Dan and Daisy decided to play it safe and order what the other two have ordered, as they couldn't read the menu. Dan went for the Galactic Seanwich and Daisy went with the Double-Fried Super Shwaffle.

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