C4 P3 - The Bunker

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The Splatfest had concluded, with Pulp coming out on top. After Pearl and Marina announced the results, they rushed back home. Dan and Daisy were already prepared, so all Marina had to do was call a taxi.

When it arrived, Dan directed the driver to a spot that was near the bunker. To avoid any suspicion, Marina told the driver they were having a picnic.

After the taxi arrived at its destination, Marina paid the driver and they got out. Dan guided the group back to the forest and to the spot the bunker was at. It took a while, as they had only been there briefly, but they found it. Dan and Daisy were nervous, to say the least.

A lot had happened over the last 28 days, the two of them were always so caught up with everything else that they never had a chance to just stop and think.

The four of them approached the bunker, thankfully it was still open. Dan turned to Daisy, to say she looked nervous would be an understatement.

Dan: "You okay there?"

Daisy: "Huh? Y-yeah, I'm fine. I just...didn't think we would actually come back here."

Dan: "Same here, but we have to. Don't worry, we'll be with you every step of the way."

Daisy: "Thanks..."

Dan took a deep breath, and led the group inside.

♪ Now Playing: Sunken Scrolls ♪

The bunker was exactly how they left it. Pearl and Marina looked around, amazed with what they were seeing.

Marina: "Wow...look at all this human technology."

Pearl: "And people said humans were stupid."

Dan: "Say what now?"

Pearl: "Nevermind."

Dan led the group and they finally made it to the worst part of the bunker.

Dan: "Well, here it is, the cryopod room."

Marina: "So this is where you guys slept?"

Dan: "Yep, these are our cryopods here."

Dan directed their attention to the two online cryopods.

Dan: "It's crazy to think we were the only ones that made it, and everyone else...didn't."

They were silent for a moment.

Dan: "Our parents...are in there."

He points to the two inactive cryopods near theirs.

Dan looked at Daisy, who was rubbing her eyes.

Dan: "Daisy?"

Marina: "You okay there?"

Daisy: "S-sorry, I just...miss them, that's all."

Dan: "Hey, hey, it's okay."

Before Dan could say anything else, Marina had already brought her into a hug. Daisy quietly sobbed, with Marina reassuring her that everything would be alright.

Marina: "We're here for you, we won't leave you, I promise."

Daisy: "T-thank you..."

Pearl had made her way over to Dan and whispered to him.

Pearl: "She's really something, ain't she?"

Dan: "Yeah, she's like an older sister we never had."

Pearl: "Yeah I was legit thinking the same thing."

Daisy gradually calmed down and Marina looked down at her.

Marina: "You ready to go?"

Daisy: "Y-yeah, thanks."

Splatoon: Humanity's Second Chance (BEING REMASTERED AS OF 02/07/24 (UK))Where stories live. Discover now