C1 P5 - Nasty Surprise

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The group started making their way to The Shoal, Dan of course being eager to see what Arcade games Inklings had. Daisy groaned, he had not shut up about it since they got up. It's understandable that he was excited but Daisy wished he could contain himself, he wasn't even trying to act his age at this point.

Daisy: "Dan, for the love of god, please shut up before I slap you."

Dan: "But Daisy, we're going to an arcade! We haven't been to one since we were little kids! And not only are we going to one, we're going to one from the future! If that doesn't sound cool I don't know what does."

Daisy: "It did sound pretty cool a couple of hours ago when you first brought it up, but it's been the only thing you've been talking about today. Please can you just be sensible? I don't even know why I have to tell you this, I'm your YOUNGER sister, not your older one."

Dan: "Okay okay, fine. But as soon as I get there I'm trying every game they have."

Pearl: "And I'll most certainly be joining in on that action yo!"

Marina: "Not you too Pearl..."

Pearl: "Hey, the arcade is great, don't judge me!"

The group turn a corner and see the Square, Daisy continues the conversation.

Daisy: "There's something I wanna ask you Pearl."

Pearl: "What you got for me Dai-Dai?"

Daisy: "What is with you and Mayo? You got a whole shelf in your fridge full of the stuff."

Dan: "Wait, what?"

Marina: "Oh boy..."

Pearl: "Look, I just really like mayo. It tastes so good!"

Dan: "What do you put it on?"

Pearl: "I don't put it on anything, it tastes great by itself!"

Dan: "B-but it's a condiment, you gotta put it on something!"

Marina: "I've told her multiple times to do that but she won't listen..."

Pearl: "Look, don't knock it until you try it yo."

Dan: "Right..."

The group arrive in the square, and decide to grab some lunch before entering the Shoal. As Dan was eating his food though, he noticed out of the corner of his eye that someone watching him, they were at another table and they were wearing these odd shades. Dan brushed it off, he couldn't see their eyes so they were probably not looking at him.

Once they had finished, they started making their way to the Shoal when Dan noticed a cat laying down outside the turf war entrance.

Dan: "Was that cat always there?"

Pearl: "Yeah he's there all the time, his name is Judd. Odd name I know."

Dan: "Judd...I think I heard of him. Oh, that's right! The military used him back in our time!"

Dan made his way over to Judd.

Judd: "Meow, meow? (Hello, do you need something squiddo?)"

Dan: "Woah, how are you speaking?"

Judd: "Meow, meow. Meow. (Honestly, I don't know. I just roll with it.)"

Dan: "Well, I uh...I wanted to see if you would recognise me."

Judd: "Meow? (What do you mean?)"

Dan takes off his sunglasses.

Judd: "Meow, meow! (Wait, you're a human!)"

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