C2 P2 - Training

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Now Playing: Tentakeel Outpost (Sector 1)

As Daisy entered the training area, she noticed that music was playing somewhere. With her curiosity piqued, she decided to ask Izzy about it.

Daisy: "Hey, do you hear that?"

Izzy: "Hear what? Oooh, do you mean the music?"

Daisy: "Yeah, that!"

Izzy: "It's coming from the speakers. Not sure why they play it, but I like it."

Daisy: "Yeah, It's actually pretty nice..."

Daisy spaced out a little, just absorbing the music.

Izzy: "Hey, we got training to do!"

Daisy quickly snapped out of it.

Daisy: "O-oh, right!"

Izzy pulled Daisy over to the targets.

Izzy: "Fire when ready!"

Daisy began shooting at the targets. While she did hit for the most part, her aim was a little sloppy.

Izzy: "Try and hold your gun like this; you'll control it better."

Daisy copied, and sure enough, her aim had improved.

"Wow, you're a natural!"

They turned around and were met with Marie.

Marie: "You shouldn't have any problem fighting the Octarians, good work."

Daisy: "Thanks!"

Marie: "There's some other things you should see. Try holding your hand out in a sort of grabbing position."

Daisy did as she was told and was greeted with a splat bomb in her hand.

Daisy: "Woah, how does it do that?"

Izzy: "No idea, but it's pretty cool!

Marie: "Try throwing it at the dummy."

Daisy throws it and it rolls next to the dummy, it then blows up, destroying the dummy.

Daisy: "Wow, that's pretty powerful."

Izzy: "I know right? It's great!"

Marie: "Just some advice, you should throw splat bombs down to draw the attention of an enemy with a shield, that way you can splat them."

Daisy: "Got it."

Izzy: "One more thing, do you know what this is?"

Izzy pulls out a strange looking can.

Daisy: "Uh...no clue."

Marie: "That's a can of Tenta Missiles, a type of Special Weapon. Open it and shoot those training dummies over there."

Marie gestures to the few dummies at the other side of the training area, Daisy walks over there and opens the can. She is met with her hair now on fire.

Daisy: "Aaaahhh! I'm burning, I'm burning!"

Izzy grabs Daisy.

Izzy: "Hey hey, it's okay! You're not really on fire!"

Daisy stopped and realised, that she in fact, wasn't in any pain.

Daisy: "Oh...well I just feel dumb now."

Izzy and Marie giggled at her overreaction.

Marie: "Don't worry about it, I've seen a few people panic when their tentacles suddenly start glowing. Let's just focus on using the special for now."

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