C2 P1 - New Allies

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May 31st (Day 4)

Daisy sat on her bed, she was told by Pearl that she and Marina weren't going to be home until the end of the day. She teared up, knowing that she may never see Dan again terrified her. She then remembered something Pearl said.

(Pearl: "The other squid was Callie, but she disappeared with the Great Zapfish just before you arrived.")

This 'Callie' had disappeared too, and apparently the other Squid Sister 'Marie' had been looking for her.

Daisy decided that she wasn't going to get answers just by sitting here, she threw on some clothes and headed for the square.

Daisy made sure not to get too close to the Inklings. While they weren't the most observant, Dan was still somehow caught, so she wasn't taking any chances.

She arrived in the Square, Daisy had to make sure she didn't look towards the studio otherwise Pearl or Marina could see her, although she was wearing some new clothes so perhaps she wouldn't be noticed. Still, better safe than sorry.

She looked towards the sewer grate, and sure enough, Marie was standing there. Daisy was nervous, but marched forward, she wanted answers and she was going to get them.

Marie turned and saw Daisy approaching, she turning into her squid formed and dived inside. Daisy got to the sewer grate, she tried taking off the grate and surprisingly, it popped off. She looked around, saw no one looking and jumped in.

Daisy was being propelled through the sewers at a alarming rate, after a minute of trying to control herself, she was launched upward and came out of the sewer grate. She was surprised she wasn't sent flying, but she was still a bit dizzy from being thrown around.

♪ Now Playing: Low Tide ♪

?: "So you came..."

Daisy looked up, and was met with Marie staring down at her.

Marie: "You okay there?"

Daisy: "Yeah, I'm fine. Ow."

Marie: "You know you're meant to switch forms when you're in there, right?"

Daisy stood up.

Daisy: "Oh, uh...whoops!"

There was an awkward silence before Marie spoke up.

Marie: "So, as you may have already guessed, I'm Marie. Yep, THAT Marie...from the Squid Sisters."

Marie did her signature pose to further reinforce that she was indeed, Marie.

Daisy: "I knew it!"

Marie: "Oh thank Cod, I would of gone mad if I had two Agents that didn't know the Squid Sisters. What's your name Squiddo?"

Daisy: "It's Daisy!"

Marie: "Nice to meet ya, Daisy. The reason I brought you here is because there's a little...issue my partner and I need help with. Unless you've been living under a rock, you would have noticed that the Great Zapfish that powers Inkopolis Square is missing. Well it turns out, it's not missing-it was squidnapped by the Octarian menace! You're probably wondering how I know all this, right?"

Daisy: "Uh...yeah?!"

Marie: "Well, while I may look like a pop star, that is VERY talented might I add, I'm actually Agent 2 of the New Squidbeak Splatoon, a secret society of heroes who save the world from Octarians!"

Daisy: "Woah...(that's so cool...)"

Daisy's eyes filled with stars, Marie was so...COOL!

Marie: "Now, while I've tried my best to watch those pesky Octarians, I'm a pretty busy girl. So I brought a new Agent to help me out, that being Agent 4. But...progress has been slow, and if we don't hurry it up, who knows what those slimy Octarians might do!"

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