Squid Research Lab Reporting in!

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Squid Research Lab here!

Today, we're reporting a new discovery made by our research team, that even surprised us! Humans are able to change forms, just like Inklings!

While we're not able to test this ourselves, we have gathered enough evidence to conclude that it is very much possible!

From what we've seen, a suit is required for the human to transform. This suit has a piece of an Inkling's tentacle inside of the suit, which allows the human to not only make use of a squid form, but change their hair colour as well. Given how similar Inklings are to Octolings, we can assume the same applies to them as well.

We're not entirely sure of the process, but a theory we've come up with is that humans may be more related to Inklings and Octarians than previously thought! When transforming, we found that DNA in a human quickly responded to the change and activated, allowing the transformation to occur.

While the human skeleton and organs normally aren't able to 'melt' like an Inkling's cartilage and organs can, the DNA's reaction to the transformation seems to temporarily change the human body, allowing them to mimic that ability. After the transformation, the human body uses elements of the now dissolved bone marrow (a small part of bones that produce blood) to create ink, allowing for Ink Tanks to be refilled.

When humans transform back, everything is back to normal! (Though we have noticed that a few of the effects of the transformation can sometimes linger after transforming. But it quickly dissipates, meaning there probably isn't much cause for concern.) It also seems to work a similar way with Specials, where some of the bone marrow in the body are changed so it produces ink and goes directly to the Special!

That's all we have for now. If we discover more about the process, we'll be sure to report it as soon as possible. This is the Squid Research Lab, signing off!

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