C4 P4 - The Plan

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Daisy was on the laptop, she had convinced Dan to get some rest, he certainly needed it.

She was looking through the files, and looking at all of this information now, it was pretty impressive what humanity had accomplished. But of course, if you were talking about humanity, you couldn't forget all the wars they had.

Five World Wars, from 1914-2015. You couldn't forget the Civil Wars either, they weren't as bad, sure. But they were still horrifying nevertheless.

Looking back at it now, it was pretty obvious to Daisy why all these fights happened, it was power and control. Those things brought comfort, they made people feel secure. All it took was someone in power to attack and others would join in, seeing an opportunity.

One thing that was really bothering Daisy though, was what they were told to do with all this information. The Professor requested that this information should be shown to the next worthy lifeform, those of course being the Inklings, Octarians, and the other aquatic life you could find in Inkopolis.

If this information was to be shared, what would they think of humanity? Or more specifically, the last humans alive? Would they be okay with them? Or would they want them gone, thinking they would do more harm than good? Perhaps thinking they would start the next Great Turf War?

With too many thoughts rushing through her head, Daisy put the laptop down on her bed.

Daisy: "I'll come back to this in a sec, I need a drink."

Daisy closed the laptop, left her room and headed to the kitchen. She grabbed a drink from the fridge and basically chugged it. She then threw the bottle away and headed back to her room.

As she was passing by the living room, she noticed that the TV screen was on. She looked at the sofa, and recognised it to be Jace.

Daisy: "Hey Jace, what you doing up?"

Jace turned his attention off the screen and noticed Daisy.

Jace: "I just wanted to try one of Dan's consoles, it seemed pretty familiar to me."

Daisy: "Heh, you two used to play that stupid thing for hours at a time."

Jace: "It's pretty fun I will admit, but I would rather play Turf War."

Daisy: "Yeah, Turf War is better."

Daisy sat down on the sofa with Jace.

Daisy: "Hey, you know how we found more bunkers?"

Jace: "Yeah?"

Daisy: "Do you think that other people survived?"

Jace: "Well it's possible, but we don't know until we search."

Daisy: "Yeah, good point."

The two sat in silence.

Jace: "So...why are you up anyway?"

Daisy: "I've been looking through the laptop Dan found."

Jace: "Oh sweet, did you find anything cool?"

Daisy: "I found stuff like music, old movies, and some other stuff. But..."

Jace: "But?"

Daisy: "Jace, do you remember all the Wars we had?"

Jace: "Of course, why do you ask?"

Daisy: "If we shared this information with Inkopolis, do you think they would hate us?"

Jace paused the game and put the controller down.

Jace: "Honestly, I don't know. you can't tell what an entire city would think of humanity. All I know, is that people think humanity is stupid."

Splatoon: Humanity's Second Chance (BEING REMASTERED AS OF 02/07/24 (UK))Where stories live. Discover now