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May 28th 2015

The world temperature had been gradually rising. Scientists thought it could be slowed down, but that idea quickly went away when a Nuclear Warhead was dropped on the South Pole during World War 5, accelerating the process. Now the sea levels were rising, and humanity didn't have much time left.

Some were ready; however, scientists around the world had already began the construction of cryopods. These would be put in bunkers so humanity could safely rest until the sea levels had receded. One of these bunkers was in Tokyo, Japan.

The Harris family had been told to move there as the bunker was only for people of high importance. What made them so important you may ask? Well, Mr. Harris had been one of the people to help create these cryopods, therefore making him and his family valuable. So as a form of gratitude, they were given a space in one of the high end bunkers.

They had arrived in Tokyo the day before and after having some trouble getting into the bunker due to the large crowd outside begging to be let in, they spent the rest of the day unpacking and putting their belongings into air tight containers so they could be used when they woke back up. After barely being able to sleep due to them knowing that the end of their civilization was upon them, Mr. Harris and his coworkers hastily prepared the cryopods.

Mr Harris: "Is oxygen flowing into the pods?"

Coworkers:"Yes sir!"

Mr Harris: "Good, I believe we're ready to begin. Katrina, Dan, Daisy! It's time to go!"

The Harris family hurried in along with several others, preparing for their long cryosleep.

Dan: "Dad, how long will we be in those pods for?"

Mr Harris: "Well Dan, by our calculations, the Earth should be safe for us to live on in about, 1200 years."

Dan: "Woah, that's a long time. How can you be so sure?"

Mr Harris: "Trust me Danny, our calculations have never been wrong."

Dan: "Alright..."

Mrs Harris: "Frank, are you sure the kids will be okay?"

Mr Harris: "I'm 100% sure Katrina, I swear on my life they'll make it through."

About 100 cryopods started beeping, and were opening. Needing comfort, Daisy hugged her mother.

Daisy: "Mum, is dad sure we'll be okay?"

Mrs Harris: "Of course sweetpea. Don't worry, your father knows what he's doing."

Everyone in the bunker started to make their way to their designated cryopod. The Prime Minister of Japan gave a speech on how everyone here was humanity's hope for a brighter future and that they'll be walking the Earth again soon.

The Harris family said their goodbyes, Daisy was getting rather emotional, so the family hugged one another as a form of reassurance, this calmed Daisy enough that she was able to make their way to the cryopod and climb in.

The cryopods then closed, and the long sleep began. Little did they know however, that the network for the cryopods had malfunctioned and added on to its timer, meaning humanity would be asleep for a lot longer than they were meant to be. The cryopods in the bunker were eventually damaged due to time. All except two, and those two cryopods had Dan and Daisy inside of them.

Splatoon: Humanity's Second Chance (BEING REMASTERED AS OF 02/07/24 (UK))Where stories live. Discover now