C4 P8 - Over Powered!

779 11 42

Dan had arrived at the entrance into Kamabo. As expected, it was shut.

Dan: "Agent 7, can you hear me?"

Marina: "Loud and clear, Agent 10. You okay there?"

Dan: "I've found a way into Kamabo, could you let me in?"

Marina: "Yep, one moment."

The radio cuts out, and Dan is left in silence.

He was nervous, to say the least. While Dan knew this mission didn't entirely depend on him, it certainly felt like it. It didn't help that he had no idea what was going on inside. For all he knew, the other Agents could've been captured.

Dan: "(No! No. Now isn't the time for those thoughts Dan. Trust your teammates, and your sister. They're capable of protecting themselves.)"

Dan stood confidently. A few moments later, the radio crackles and Marina returns.

Marina: "The door's about to open, hope you're ready!"

Dan: "Got it!"

The door creaked open, and Dan immediately ran in. It didn't take long for the door to close behind him.

Marina: "Th--e appe--- to b- ---- inter-----ce! ---- on!"

Marina's voice was eventually replaced with static.

Dan: "Look's like the signal jammer kicked in, I'll try and contact the other Agents."

The room is then suddenly filled with a loud screech, they then heard someone speak.

???: "Good luck with that."

Dan: "Huh? Wait is that-"

Commander B: "Commander B. But, you may know me as 'Bailey'."

Dan: "I knew it! What are you doing here man?!"

Commander B: "That doesn't concern you...yet. How about you come pay me a visit, old friend? I'm sure you'll want to see me again."

Just then, a Sanitized Octoling walked around the corner, Dan was about to fire before Commander B intervened.

Commander B: "Ah ah ah, you won't be able to find me if you don't have an escort."

Dan stared at the Octoling. He sighed as he lowered his weapon, and approached it.

Commander B: "Good, follow this creature to the Metro and let it guide you through the facility. See you soon, old friend."

The speaker cut out and Dan was left in silence as he followed their escort.

Izzy was wondering through the darkness, with the torch on her Hero Shot lighting up the area ahead of her.

The silence made her feel uneasy, she would have thought there would have been some resistance, there should have been something to oppose her, but the place was empty. This area just felt forgotten, lifeless. It was like no living thing was meant to find it.

There were some structures around her, all she could do was follow them and hope she found an exit.

What's worse is that she had no idea if her comrades were okay. With no way to communicate, she truly was alone.

Izzy took a deep breath, and pushed on. This wasn't the time to let fear get to her. Izzy was on a mission, and she was gonna make sure it was complete.

She stopped in what she thought was the middle of an area and shone her torch around her, hoping to find something to help her in her current situation.

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