C1 P1 - The Awakening

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28th May (Day 1)

Dan's cryopod opened. When he had come to his senses, he managed to push himself up to look around. Surprisingly, the bunker looked pretty clean. he decided to wait a little bit before getting up, he could barely feel his arms or legs.

After about 10 minutes of resting, another cryopod started to hiss and eventually opened, Dan forced himself to get up, surprisingly he didn't fall over. Dan made his way to the opened cryopod and was greeted with his younger sister.

Dan: "Hey Daisy, time to get up." Is what he would of said if he could properly speak.

Daisy still understood and groaned, while she wasn't annoyed to see her brother, she wished he didn't treat her like a child.

Dan: "If you want, I can carry you." He barely managed to get that out correctly.

Daisy: "No n-"

Dan didn't listen to what she was going to say and picked her up anyways, giving her a piggyback.

Daisy: "Fine..."

Dan took her to the Medical bay, as the pods that belonged to their parents hadn't opened up yet. He decided it would be best to run some check ups on him and his sister, their father had given him instructions on what to check on just in case they weren't awake yet.

After seeing that everything was fine, Dan and Daisy returned to the pods, Daisy now walking as the effects of the cryopod has wore off. Dan found it odd that none of the other pods had opened, then he realised. Surely by now someone, anyone, would have woken up to greet them.

Dan slowly walked around the room of cryopods, carefully looking over each and every one. It began to dawn on him that something was seriously wrong.

Daisy: "D-Dan, what's going on?"

None of the other pods were online. His and Daisy's pods were clearly online, but the others looked like they had shut down. Dan realised what that meant, but decided to not say anything.

Dan walked up to his father's pod and noticed a storage compartment on the side of it, he opened it and it had four keys, he grabbed them and left the room with Daisy.

Daisy: "Dan, they didn't make it...did they?"

Dan wished that Daisy didn't catch on, he really did.

But, he wasn't surprised that she did.

Dan: "No...no they didn't."

Finally knowing that her fears had been validated, tears started running down her face, Dan quickly pulled her into a hug. Dan cried as well, but he didn't care.

Daisy: "Dan...I'm scared."

Dan: "...Me too, Daisy."

They stood there, for what felt like an eternity. The circumstances of their situation slowly settling in.

Daisy: "What...what are we going to do, Dan?"

Dan: "I...I don't know, let's just...take it one step at a time, okay?"

They stay silent for a moment, before Dan sighed and spoke up.

Dan: "You ready to go?"

Daisy: "*Sniff* Y-yeah."

They eventually found the container room, Dan opened up his father's container first. It contained clothes, a phone and multiple keycards, presumably to get around the bunker. Then they opened the other three containers, the notable items were 3 more phones and clothes, a family photo in their mother's container, a few gaming devices in Dan's container and Daisy's container had some makeup and similar accessories. Dan grabbed a spare backpack from the container room entrance and threw everything inside. Admittedly, it was pretty heavy.

Daisy: "Y-you're really going to bring all that?"

Dan: "I know, the gaming stuff seems weird. But right now, I would just prefer to have them on me."

Daisy sensed that the gaming devices were definitely a comfort thing, she decided to not push the topic.

After packing up their belongings, Dan used his father's keycards to get around the facility, they passed by the cafeteria and opened up the containers which had food and drinks, they stored as much as they could and pressed on. They checked the cryopod area to make sure no one else had by some chance woken up, that maybe he had been wrong. But unfortunately, no one had.

Dan: "(We'll come back, but for now let's see what's happening outside.)"

As they were making their way towards the exit, Dan stopped and noticed the Main Control Panel was on, Daisy noticed as well and they approached it. Their hearts skipped a beat when the Panel said how long they had been asleep for.

May 28th 14017

About 12002 years. They were dumbfounded, they both had no idea how they could of been alive for this long. But it explained why they were the only two left.

They decided to take their mind off it for now, their situation was already unpleasant, to say the least. The best they could do now is press on.

The two of them made their way to the exit. Dan didn't know if the Earth was inhabitable, but he had no choice but to see for himself. Dan swiped the exit's keycard reader, and the doors above them began to open.

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