The 10K Q&A!

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A/N: Hey everyone! I wanted to thank you guys for all of your questions, it means a lot! And once again, thank you so much 10k reads. I would also like to thank you guys for over 120 votes, I appreciate all the support you guys give me. Anyway, ON WITH THE Q&A!

gaboball asks:

To Octavio: How is that snowglobe?

Octavio: "Ugh, it sucks. I thought that not only having Callie, but a human on my side would ensure my victory. But those stupid agents beat me again, and they had a human as well! Now I'm stuck in here while that stupid green Grandma keeps mocking me. When I get out of here I'll squidnap both of the Squid Sisters and those humans, just you wait!"

To Dan and Daisy: When do you two plan to sing with the Squid Sisters?

Dan: "Honestly, I'm not sure. I don't even know what we would sing."

Daisy: "I would want the music to be similar in tone to the songs that are currently 'fresh' in Inkopolis. Their songs are positive and motivating, pushing you on towards your goal."

Dan: "Perhaps we could work with Callie and Marie to make a different version of one of their songs, which can involve the two of us as well."

Daisy: "Maybe the Inkantation?"

Dan: "Yeah probably the Inkantation, though I feel it would be unfair if Pearl and Marina didn't get to join in on that as well."

Daisy: "We'll figure it out eventually."

Dan: "To answer the question, we'll get around to it eventually. We're not sure when, but we will."

To Marina: If you could choose a single piece of human technology to have access to, what would it be?

Marina: "Hmm...probably one of those 'Nuclear Bombs' Dan told me about. Apparently they're really dangerous though, but I wanna know how they work. A weapon that can cause so much destruction is fascinating."

To RadGamer14: What inspired you to make this awesome story?

Rad: "Well, it started from curiousity. I wanted to know if anyone had written fanfiction on humans in Splatoon, since Splatoon is set thousands of years after our time. I then discovered people like ChiggerDrew Tyra_Byte and Oncealive999 (who is now SonicAxelRPG) who wrote amazing human stories. After a few weeks of reading those human stories, I decided to try writing my own 'Human in Splatoon' story, just to put my own idea out there. And I was amazed by the support it got, I didn't expect this many people see my story, let alone actually read it! So, it was both those amazing writers and you guys that encouraged me to write, so thank you!"

Lmbchan asks:

To RadGamer14: How did you come up with the human characters?

Rad: "Well originally I wanted two characters that could play off each other. I wanted them to have a strong bond and be able to turn to each other for guidance. I did originally consider having Daisy be like 7-8 years old, and have Dan act more as a parent than a brother, but I scrapped that idea because I wanted Daisy to have some independence. As for Jace, it was mid way through chapter 2 where I started coming up for a half human half octarian character. Jace was actually going to be female, but I wanted more diversity in the cast so I made Jace male."

Spewku asks:

To RadGamer14:

1) How long have you been writing for?

Rad: "I started writing this story on July 7th 2020, it's crazy to me that we're getting closer to a year of me writing this. That's wild. I could say I started writing stories back in my final year of secondary school, but that was part of the curriculum and it wasn't out of enjoyment. So yeah, July 7th 2020."

2) How long have you been in the Splatoon fandom/community for?

Rad: "I joined the Splatoon community back in late May or very early June 2020, yeah I was proper late to the hype. I actually got the game back in 2017-2018, I'm not sure exactly when. But it didn't grab my interest for whatever reason, perhaps it's because I never got a chance to play it by myself and I played it with family, who knows."

3) Do you have a rough draft on how the chapter/story in general will be written or do you have a basic idea on how it'll play out and you just write?

Rad: "For chapter 1-3, it would be the latter. Because I was going off a pre-existing story, it was easy to just write around it, as I knew where I was taking the story. But when chapter 4 hit and I did the same thing, it flopped. The story had no direction and it pointlessly dragged on. So I removed it and restarted, this time making a story board for the chapter so I knew what to write. So far, I feel it has been a success!

4) What are you opinions on each of the main characters in Splatoon?

Rad: "This is gonna be a lengthy one, here goes:

Callie: Has a sweet and charming personality, and is silly at times. Honestly can't go wrong with that.

Marie: Much more laid back and sassy, her jokes in the in-game dialogue give me a chuckle.

Pearl: Energetic and loud, she has a large presence despite her small stature. It gives her a lot of character which I appreciate.

Marina: The most mysterious of the four, making her the most interesting. She is scarily intelligent, best to not get in an argument with her.

Cap'n Cuttlefish: He's Splatoon's Comic relief. He's an old man that's pretty strange, but you gotta respect him.

Octavio: A guy that's just being petty at this point. Like seriously dude, give it up.

Agent 3 & 4: We don't know much about these two, most of the stuff the community does is just headcanon. The only thing I can really say is that Agent 3 is the serious agent (who's possibly a DJ after the game? Not sure if that's confirmed or just a scrapped idea), and 4 is the funny agent.

Agent 8: Like the other 2, we don't know much, but the Octo Expansion does reveal some stuff. 8 is quite the poet, writing a poem for every mem cake they have. They're also fans of the Squid Sisters, they admire Marina and want to be just like them, they don't really understand the Cap'n but respect him as they believe 'the elderly should be treated with respect.', they like to listen to Sheldon ramble, and they have old Octarian friends they want to reconnect with, with one friend they fondly remember. So yeah, 8 has the most personality of the three by far.

Sheldon: Just a massive weapons nerd, annoying at times but he's pretty smart as well.

KevZam2003 asks:

To RadGamer14:

Can Dan and Daisy use firearms in later chapters??? It's up to you.

Rad: "I'm sorry to disappoint, but I don't think human firearms will be used in my story. Maybe they'll be spoken about, or used very briefly. But I don't want them to be an important aspect of the story, I believe their involvement shifts the tone of the story, which I don't really want. Besides, I don't think they're needed anyway."

Daisy: "We wouldn't want to use them anyway."

Dan: "Yeah, nothing good ever came out of using firearms."

A/N: Thanks for all the questions guys! I got a lot more questions than I thought I would lol. Btw, C4 P4 may come out sometime this week or next week, we'll see. I may also do another Q&A like this for 20k reads. But anyway, I'll see you guys next time!

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