C4 P9 - Farewell Kamabo

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♪ Now Playing: Inside The Deepsea Metro Subway Car ♪

Music was playing in the metro. Admittedly, it was rather catchy.

At this point, Dan just accepted that no matter where he goes or how intense a situation is in this world, there's always music.

But anyway, let's get to the situation at hand.

Dan sat beside the Octoling. Admittedly, its appearance and demeanour creeped him out. The way it just sat there, not moving a muscle, it was...unnatural.

The fact it was blue and green as well didn't make things any better.

Dan: "So, uh...where are we going?"

The Octoling didn't react to his question. Heck, it acted like it didn't even hear him.

Dan: "Ooookaaaaay then..."

While Jace had told Dan about these Octarians, he didn't think they would be like...this.

Maybe they could be saved? No, apparently Marina said that they had no vital signs, meaning they were gone. Mizuta was a special case, as her sanitization was incomplete.

Dan sat there, staring at the Octoling. All of this happened, because Tartar refused to give ocean people a chance.

Ocean people, oceanics? Marine life? Eh, any of them worked.

Sure, they fought over 'minor genetic deviations', and 'obsess over trivial fashion choices'. But at the end of the day, were these people just as bad as humanity? No, definitely not.

The way Dan saw it, Inklings, Octarians and all the other oceanic creatures were just better humans. Sure, the Great Turf War happened, but no other war had occurred since then, the Great Turf War was over 100 years ago. If it wasn't obvious, these guys had a much better track record than humanity.

Did that mean Dan hated his own kind? Of course not, not all humans were heartless. But like his father used to say, "Some people will do anything for control and security.".

This brought him back to another point, the fact that other humans were possibly alive because of the "glitch". How would a large number of humans react to not being the dominant species? If he knew his own kind well, they would probably act with hostility.

But, there was also a chance humanity could be accepting of their situation. Daisy and Jace were, and so was he.

Perhaps he was being too harsh with his judgement. He had a tendency to assume the worst in these situations, definitely not a healthy habit.

Dan decided to cut his internal conversation short, since the train had just stopped.

The Octoling abruptly stood up, making Dan jump.

Dan: "Is this our stop?"

The Octoling marched forward in response.

Dan: "I guess that's a yes then."

As Dan was getting up to leave, a voice behind him spoke.

?: "Where's your destination traveller?"

Dan turned around and was met with C.Q. Cumber, the Sea Cucumber he had greeted when he boarded.

Dan: "Not sure to be honest, just going where this Octoling goes."

C.Q. Cumber: "...Between you and me, you shouldn't trust whoever sent it."

Dan: "I know, but I need answers."

C.Q. Cumber: "Well, I can't stop you. But take care."

Dan: "Thank you, you too."

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