C4 P5 - Kamabo Disaster

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Hey guys, I want to show some fanart made for my story! This was made by Spewku! It features the one and only Jace, your favourite half-Human half-Octarian!

Hey guys, I want to show some fanart made for my story! This was made by Spewku! It features the one and only Jace, your favourite half-Human half-Octarian!

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Be sure to drop them a follow and take a look at their instagram for more art!

The gang returned to Pearl's, waiting to be called by Marie to head into Kamabo. They had brought their Agent gear so they wouldn't waste time.

Callie sat down on the sofa and turned the TV on. Dan sat beside her and lied down, placing his head on the armrest.

Callie glanced over at Dan, he had been acting a bit...off. On the way back he had been unusually quiet. He seemed nervous about something, and Callie wanted to know why.

Callie: "Are you okay Danny?"

Dan: "Huh? Oh, yeah, I'm good."

Callie: "Right..."

Callie turned towards the TV, but quickly looked back at Dan. She was desperate for an answer.

Callie: "Are you sure? You're acting strange."

Dan raised his head and looked around the room, everyone else seemed to be doing their own thing, they weren't close enough to really hear their conversation.

Dan: "It's...Daisy, I'm worried about her. I mean-don't get me wrong, I'm worried about Olivia and Izzy as well, but-"

Callie: "I know, Danny. She's your sister, you wanna be with her. If Marie was there, I would be scared too."

Dan: "I...I just don't want her to get hurt."

Callie turned away for a moment, and let out a sigh.

Callie: "When me and Marie first became agents, we had to learn something, it was trust . That trust has got us through more than just missions, it's helped us get through life. It's how we landed the job at Inkopolis News, or had the confidence to perform at any of our concerts. And it's why Marie had the confidence to push on when I disappeared, she knew I would come back, she never once doubted it. And I see something like that in Daisy, they both have the same spark. They both knew they would find us, and they weren't gonna stop until they did. You just need to find that spark too, Dan."

Dan was surprised by Callie's change in tone. It was out of character for her to speak in such a calm and collected manner. After a few moments, Dan managed to respond.

Dan: "I...yeah. No, you're right. It's just being a new world scared me, I just didn't want to lose her. But she has proved that she's capable of taking care of herself, so I'll relax a bit."

The TV filled the silence for a moment.

Callie: "Hey, how about I show you some of Marie and I's old broadcasts on Inkopolis News? Just to help you take your mind off things."

Splatoon: Humanity's Second Chance (BEING REMASTERED AS OF 02/07/24 (UK))Where stories live. Discover now