C2 P7 - Showtime!

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♪ Now Playing: Cephalon HQ (Sector 5) ♪

After 2 days of non-stop fighting, the agents had done it; They had opened the final kettle. They were nervous, to say the least. They were about to confront Octavio, and perhaps even find Callie and Dan. The crazy music that was usually playing faded out, leaving Daisy and Izzy staring at the boss kettle. They then heard someone super jumping over to them, it was Marie.

Marie: "Hey Agents, I just wanted to talk to you two before you went in. *Sigh* Look, this isn't going to be easy, but Octavio has been defeated before, and this time around there's two of you. Trust me, I KNOW you can do this."

The agents approached the kettle.

Izzy: "Hey Daisy?"

Daisy: "Yeah?"

Izzy: "Are you ready to kick some Octo Butt?"

Daisy snickered, Izzy's ability to be positive even in the most intense situations really helped.

Daisy: "As ready as I'll ever be!"

Marie: "Good luck Agents, show that third-rate DJ who's boss!"

The agents turned into their squid form and dived into the kettle, ready for a fight they'll never forget.

Dan, Callie and Octavio were on the Octobot King II, Octavio was inside it while Dan and Callie were on top. A platform was moving them upwards to the arena. The three of them were silent.

Octavio was typing something into a panel, probably making sure everything was ready before they started. Dan was holding his Octoshot, despite liking the other weapons, he felt he could count on the Octoshot for pretty much anything. Dan turned his attention to Callie, she seemed to be daydreaming, but he noticed that she appeared to be a bit nervous. Knowing that she probably needed to be comforted, he struck up a conversation with Callie to try and calm her.

Dan: "Hey, I've kinda wanted to ask this for a while now; why did you become a singer?"

Callie turned and appeared to perk up a bit.

Callie: "Well it began when I was a kid, me and Marie would sing with each other when we were together. I remember one day during one of our singing sessions, Marie brought up the Youth Folk-Singing Contest in Inkopolis, saying we should participate. I was a bit nervous about it, but Marie told me I had an amazing singing voice and they would love us, I trusted her and went along with it. After convincing our parents to let us go, they drove us to Inkopolis to sign up. When we finally got on stage, everyone loved us! It was amazing to see so many people enjoy our music. That's why when we were older we formed the Squid Sisters, to continue our passion of music and spread it to others as well."

Dan: "That's amazing Cal, it sounds like you were just destined to be an amazing singer."

Before they could continue their conversation, the platform stopped moving.

Octavio: "The Octobot King is ready to blast some wasabi beats! You hipsters ready?"

Dan: "As ready as I'll ever be!"

Callie: "Let's get this show on the road!"

Octavio: "Great. Do be sure to greet our guests you two."

The agents arrived in the final area, they saw two people in the distance turned away from them. With a launchpad the only way to get to them, they hopped on and super jumped to the arena.

Marie: "Let's go, Agents!"

They landed, hearing the crowd cheer. The two figures then turned around, with Daisy recognising one of them.

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