C4 P6 - Memory Lane

841 11 19

Before the Kamabo Lockdown

Jace had finally finished all his tests, he arrived back at the train and hopped on. It immediately took off, most likely to pick up Amelia.

Jace used the short time he had alone to reflect on everything that had happened and his memories. His mind was a mess right now, he was filled with a mixture of emotions; happiness and sadness being the key ones.

There was something Jace had noticed for a while now, some of the memories he had weren't his. He had initially shrugged it off as his imagination, he had just been thrown into a whole new world with a changed body afterall. But now that he has a moment to himself, these memories were too detailed to be imagined. Jace was quickly able to connect the memories to Mizuta, who else would they belong to?

Jace closed his eyes for a moment, and searched the memories...

Jace opened his eyes and looked around, he was sitting on the edge of a building...with Marina! But she looked...different. She was wearing some weird armour with seaweed in her tentacles, and she had strange goggles on as well.

Mizuta: "Have you heard about that concert Octavio is hosting tomorrow?"

Marina: "Of course I have, it's all people have been talking about."

Mizuta: "Do you...think the Agent will win?"

Marina: "I don't know, the Agent is a worthy adversary. It's anyone's guess who will win."

They went quiet for a moment.

Marina: "Either way, I'll stay with you, no matter what."

Mizuta: "Heh, glad to hear it."

They looked out into the distance, quietly observing the dome, before Marina stood up.

Marina: "Let's head to bed, we need to be at our best tomorrow."

Mizuta: "Absolutely."

The memory faded and he was suddenly in a new area. Mizuta was with Amelia, sitting on a bed. Amelia was fast asleep, Mizuta smiled and turned to the window. She looked out at the fake sky, it was mimicking a sunrise.

Mizuta: "These domes won't last forever, they're gonna crumple from age some time in the near future."

Mizuta turned back to Amelia. Mizuta respected her, the way she fought was scarily impressive.

Amelia began to stir and eventually opened her eyes.

Mizuta: "Mornin'."

Amelia: "You're up early, again."

Mizuta: "Couldn't sleep, especially with all the movement on the streets."

Amelia: "Octavio is probably waking troops early to get the jump on that Squidbeak Agent. Where are they now?"

Mizuta: "Suction-Cup Lookout, Sector 2. Be ready, There's a chance you might be called to action."

Amelia: "What about you?"

Mizuta: "I'll probably be called as well."

Amelia: "Aren't you...scared?"

Mizuta: "Is this about that Agent that attacked you 2 years back? Trust me if one of those Agents come I'll-"

Amelia: "No no, it's fine! I'm just...a bit nervous about it, that's all."

Mizuta: "*Sigh* Amelia, believe me when I say this, you're one of the best soldiers I know. The fact you aren't a higher rank still confuses me, seeing how you fought off that Agent."

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