C2 P4 - Finishing Sector 3

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♪ Now Playing: The Girl from Inkopolis (Turquoise October) ♪

Daisy and Izzy made their way through Kettle 14. Izzy would snipe while Daisy would finish off any enemies that Izzy missed.

One thing that confused Daisy though, was the fact that this place was a parking garage. Why would they put a parking garage here of all places? The area was high above the city so you can't move the cars anywhere.

The music had changed as well, but at this point she was just used to it. It did sound good, it was wild and intense.

Suddenly, an Octoling jumps out and tries to ambush the Agents.

Marie: "An Octoling! Stew this Stooge!"

The Octoling tried to shoot Izzy but she ran into cover. She then turned her attention to Daisy and tried to shoot her instead, but the ink wasn't having much effect on her. The Octoling then just stopped and stared in fear as she realised that she was done for. Daisy aimed her Hero Shot at the Octoling and fired, Splatting them.

Marie: "Medium Rare, Agent 5!"

The agents carried on until they were met with an Octosniper.

Marie: "The Octosniper is guarding that vault, try to move when he's not looking."

Izzy: "Okay 5, I'll use my charger so we can create lines of ink for us to move in."

Daisy nodded and let Izzy do her work. Izzy shot her charger and the two of them made their way around the Octosniper in their squid forms, dealing with the occasional Octotrooper blocking the path.

They were then behind the Octosniper, Izzy charged up a shot and jumped up, Splatting the Octosniper.

Daisy: "Okay, that was awesome."

Izzy: "I know right!? That felt so cool."

Marie: "Great job 4, now grab that key and you guys can continue."

The two agents continued, after a few minutes they spotted the zapfish.

Izzy: "There's the zapfish! Let's grab it."

They were then ambushed again! This time with two Octolings.

Daisy ran at them. While the ink wasn't hurting Daisy that much, it was slowing her down. Izzy realised that both Octolings were distracted by Daisy not being splatted and took the opportunity to snipe them with two clean charger shots.

Izzy: "Nice distraction 5!"

Daisy: "Yeah thanks, totally a distraction!"

It wasn't meant to be a distraction at all, she was trying to take down the Octolings, but she just couldn't move with that much ink getting fired at her.

They finally reached the Zapfish, they broke the container and Izzy grabbed it, completing the kettle.

Izzy jumps up with the Zapfish shouting "Woomy!", Daisy stands behind her nervously rubbing the back of her head while holding a peace sign.

♪ Now Playing: Beaker's Depot (Sector 3) ♪

They returned back to Beaker's Depot.

Daisy: "Wow, that sure took a while."

Izzy: "Yeah, that's why it has taken me so long to get to this sector. Anyway, we still need to fight the boss, so let's go."

They made their way to the boss kettle that was now open.

Izzy: "Are you ready?"

Daisy: "Yep, let's do this."

They both dived into the boss kettle, Daisy was unsure of what to expect, but she knew it was going to be a challenge.

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