C2 P5 - Staying Positive

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Daisy ran back home, she pulled the gate keycard and the house key out of her bag so she could use them as soon as possible.

When she arrived at the gate she slid the keycard through the card reader, the gate opened and she ran in, closing behind her. She hopped on the automated shuttle bus and prayed it would get to the front door quickly.

Daisy was jumping in one spot at the bus door, and when it opened she zoomed out of it to the entrance.

She then unlocked the door, ran in and locked it. She let out a sigh of relief. She managed to get home without either Pearl or Marina knowing she left.

She felt pretty hungry after a long day of work. She didn't want to take food from the kitchen as it wasn't hers, so she went over to her and Dan's supplies and pulled out a premade sandwich and a bottle of water. She chucked the sandwich in the microwave and sat down in the living room. She turned on the TV and flicked through the channels, she eventually found herself watching Inkopolis News with Pearl and Marina finishing up their evening broadcast.

Pearl: "And that's all the time we've got! Until next time..."

Pearl/Marina: "Don't get cooked...stay off the hook!"

The TV then switched to a highlight reel of Turf War matches.


The microwave had finished the sandwich, Daisy grabbed it out of the microwave and put it on a plate. She then sat down at the Dining table and ate her food, it was weird eating human food again, but it felt nice to eat something familiar.

After enjoying her meal, she washed up and returned to the living room to continue watching TV.

After about two hours, the front door opened. Daisy wondered why they had taken longer than usual to return home, they only live an hour away from work.

Pearl: "Yo Daisy, where you at!?"

Daisy: "In the living room!"

The two of them made their way to the living room with Marina carrying a bag in her hand.

Marina: "We decided that we didn't want to leave you at home without any way to contact us."

Pearl: "So we got you this!"

Pearl reaches into Marina's bag, and pulls out a Squidphone!

Daisy: "Wow I don't know what to say, thank you so much!"

Marina: "I'm glad you like it! Let's get it set up."

They turned the phone on and set it up. One problem they had was that Daisy couldn't read their language, so Marina had to show her what most of the apps were so she could use it. Marina then added her and Pearl's phone numbers to Daisy's contacts and she was set.

Marina: "Now that you're set up, I'll give you your charger and you can charge the phone overnight."

Daisy: *Yawn* "Yeah that sounds good."

Marina: "You sound tired, have you eaten anything?"

Daisy: "Yeah I made some dinner with the food from me and Dan's bag, felt weird eating human food again."

Pearl: "You gotta let us try some of that food sometime, I wanna know what humans eat!"

Marina: "Of course you do Pearl. So, you're heading to bed?"

Daisy: "Yeah, if that's alright."

Marina: "It's not a problem at all, night Daisy!"

Pearl: "See ya tomorrow Daisy!"

Splatoon: Humanity's Second Chance (BEING REMASTERED AS OF 02/07/24 (UK))Where stories live. Discover now