1 Year Anniversary Special - Behind the Scenes!

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Hey guys! So I was trying to come up with ideas for the 1 year special, and I thought to myself "What is something not many writers do on Wattpad?" and it hit me, why don't I tell you guys about some behind the scenes stuff and old concepts?

Hey guys! So I was trying to come up with ideas for the 1 year special, and I thought to myself "What is something not many writers do on Wattpad?" and it hit me, why don't I tell you guys about some behind the scenes stuff and old concepts?

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See this thing here? Before I did storyboards, I would write stuff down that I would want for certain chapters, or concepts for a "second book" I would write in the future.

As you can see, I haven't touched it for a while, mostly because it's kinda useless now.

The reason this had worked for C1-C3 is because I was going off an already established story, all I had to do was make alterations to fit my narrative. If you're an old reader, you guys probably remember the original C4 (which is available to read on my profile if you so desire), you guys probably remember that it was a flop from the moment it started as I just didn't have anything to go off of, so it dragged on far longer than it needed to.

After the Christmas Special I did, I decided enough was enough, and I scrapped that chapter completely, instead opting to take time to actually write out what I wanted to happen in the chapter instead of aimlessly putting out new parts and hoping it made sense.

Anyway, back to the topic at hand.

In these notes, there are ideas in here that are from July 9th 2020 (this was created 2 days after the story was created), back then I was a very different writer, I was still pretty new and I had a lot of ideas at the time. So how about I show you some and break it down for you guys, just to give you guys an idea of how I think.

Here's some early ideas from when I was writing C1 (for convenience, I've numbered them):

Here's some early ideas from when I was writing C1 (for convenience, I've numbered them):

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1) Yep you read that right, Daisy, the 17 year old, was going to a child. Probably around 7-8ish. While Dan and Daisy were still siblings, I wanted Dan to have more of a parent role, and when he disappeared, Marina (and I guess Pearl too but not as much) would replace him while he was gone. I decided to scrap this idea though because I wanted Daisy to be independent and be able to do things herself.

2) You guys are pretty familiar with this one (and it was surprisingly controversial as well), I did this in C2 because I was thinking from a gameplay point of view. I mean, how could Daisy possibly navigate Splatoon 2's levels without a Squid form? It just wouldn't work. So I decided to allow humans to make use of a Squid/Octo form so not only could they navigate the levels, but also play Turf Wars.

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