C3 P9 - Close Call

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It was the next day, the Agents were one station away from being able to get the last thang. They just had to complete "Stick 'n' Move Station".

Agent 8 was the one to do the last station. She was nervous, they were so close to freedom.

She went up to the equipper and the only option was the 'Dualie Squelchers & Burst Bomb'. She selected them and walked towards the glass.

She peered through the glass, the level seemed relatively short. 8 reassured herself, she can do this.

She approached the turnstile and swiped her card, and superjumped to the platform.

♪ Now Playing: #11 Above ♪

8 fired at the ink rail upon landing, this activated it. She was about to hop on when she saw the Ink sticks blocking the way. 8 then noticed the ink switch and fired at it, causing the sticks to rotate.

Pearl: "So much spinning!"

Marina: "You'll need to stop the rotation at just the right moment."

8: "Got it!"

She hopped on the ink rail and grinded to the next platform.

Pearl: "OK, next!"

She jumped onto the launchpad and superjumped to a checkpoint. Ahead of her were 3 inkrails and ALOT of Ink Sticks blocking the way. 8 shot the first ink switch and the first Ink sticks moved out of the way.

Marina: "Open!"

8 then went onto the ink rails and started grinding.

8 was able to ride the rail for a little bit before there were more Ink Sticks blocking the way, she aimed at the switch near it and fired a small burst of ink. The ink sticks moved out of the way and she continued.

Another set of sticks blocked her way, she decided to jump to another rail on the left of her to dodge it, she shot a switch ahead of her to move the next sticks out of her way and landed on the next platform.

Cap'n: "Like a hot knife through butter!"

8 used the launchpad to get to the next platform and landed on the final checkpoint.

9: "Hey, did you guys notice the music playing during the tests?"

Pearl: "Obviously."

Marina: "What about them?"

9: "I'm just wondering who made these tracks. Do you think someone here made them?"

Marina: "Well I've never heard any of these songs before, so maybe?"

Pearl: "Let's solve this mystery later, get going 8!"

8 turned her attention to her next obstacle. It was massive, to say the least. She hit the ink switch near her and the whole thing spun.

Cap'n: "Just look at it spin... That thing is big."

Marina: "Oh, my... There are ink switches on that huge one too."

8 was a bit hesitant to hop on the rails, but they had come too far to give up now. She jumped onto the rails and rode towards her next challenge.

As 8 got close, she hit a switch to move the sticks out of her path, the whole thing spun round and abruptly stopped. She kept going.

As she got near a corner, 8 started shooting the switch in the obstacle and moved around with it. 8 shot a little too much and an Ink Stick almost hit her. She sighed in relief when she realised it missed.

She went up the next two levels and repeated what she had done. She landed on the goal platform and began shooting at the goal, completing the level.

Pearl: "Man, that thing was really going 'round and 'round!"

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