C3 P2 - Preparations

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Dan and Daisy entered Ammo Knights, everywhere they looked was weapons that were neatly organised. After browsing the weaponry, Sheldon popped up out of nowhere.

Sheldon: "Hello, hello! What kind of weapon are you in the market for?"

Daisy: "Hi Sheldon, we're not exactly here for weaponry."

Sheldon: "Wait that voice...is that-"

Daisy removes her shades.

Daisy: "Indeed it is."

Sheldon: "Ah Daisy, good to see you again! I'll take it that the other person is Dan."

Dan: "Hey, nice to meet ya."

Sheldon: "Good to finally speak with you Dan. Now, I assume you have something else in mind?"

Daisy: "Yeah we do, I was hoping you would be able to make both of us new suits that we can use to participate in turf war. So we can use our squid forms, be splatted and respawn."

Sheldon: "Hmm...well the squid form part is easy, I've already done that. The splatted and respawn parts probably aren't that hard either. But..."

Dan: "But...?"

Sheldon: "I can't do this for free this time, I'm running a business, you know. So I'll make you two a deal."

Daisy: "Go on."

Sheldon: "When those suits are ready, I want you guys to go into Turf War and start earning coins. That way you two can pay me back."

Daisy: "Sure, how much will we be paying you?"

Sheldon: "Hmm...I would say roughly...80,000 coins."

Dan/Daisy: "80,000!?"

Sheldon: "Now hold on, that isn't as much as you think it is. If you win in Turf War you can get over 1,700 coins. If you lose, you get between 500-1000. And seeing how a Turf War match only lasts for 3 minutes. You could probably make a lot of money in an hour even if you lose consistently."

Dan: "Huh, that doesn't sound that bad actually."

Daisy: "How long do we have to pay you?"

Sheldon: "Well seeing how this is your first time, I won't give you a deadline. But I would like the money as soon as possible."

Daisy: "Of course, we wouldn't leave you unpaid. Here, I'll give you my number so you can call me when it's done okay?"

Sheldon: "Sounds like a plan!"

They exchange their numbers and the two humans put their shades back on.

Daisy: "See you soon Sheldon!"

Sheldon: "See you soon guys!"

They exit the shop and step back out into the square.

Dan: "So, what now?"

Daisy: "Well Marina said that they're on a tight schedule, so how about we head back to Octo Canyon?"

Dan: "Sure, I want to meet Marie anyways."

Daisy: "Cool, just a warning though, the ride there is quite fast."

Dan: "I'll keep that in mind."

Before they could get there, they noticed that the screen on the Deca Tower had switched to the news.

Daisy: "Oh looks like Marina and Pearl are about to do the news, wanna watch?"

Dan: "Sure, I wanna see what they say anyways."

The intro played, and then switched to Pearl and Marina.

Pearl: "Y'all know what time it is!"

Marina: "It's off the hook, coming at you LIVE from Inkopolis Square!"

Pearl: "Check it! Here are the current Regular Battle stages!"

Pearl then jumps in shock.

Pearl: "HOLD YOUR SEAHORSES, MARINA! We have breaking news!"

Marina: "Wait...WHAT?!"

Pearl: "The Great Zapfish is back? THE GREAT ZAPFISH IS BACK!"

The screen cuts to a shot of the Great Zapfish on top of the Deca Tower. Dan and Daisy look up there themselves and it is indeed up there. They could see the crowd celebrating the Great Zapfish's return.

Pearl: "AW YEAH!"

Marina: "I'm so happy right now! I have to get a picture of this."

Pearl: "Hmm... For some reason I remember it being bigger than that.

Marina: "Yeah, for real. Was it always that small?"

The screen cuts back to the studio.

Pearl: "Anyway, in other news... Here are the current Regular Battle sta-"

Pearl then appeared shocked, again.

Pearl: "WAIT! Shut it, Marina! We've got another breaking news alert!

Marina: "But I didn't say anythi-"

The screen cuts to a picture of Callie, with some text under it that neither Dan or Daisy could read.

Pearl: "HOLY CARP! Callie's been found! Are you guys seeing this? Now THAT'S news!

Marina: "Callie is back? YAAAAAAAAAAY! I didn't know if I'd ever see her again!"

The crowd roars in response, they sounded more excited to see Callie than the Great Zapfish.

Pearl: "We're glad you're back, Callie. Being the best is too easy without competition!"

Marina: "Seriously! It takes two to make the one and only Squid Sisters!"

Pearl: "Yo, Marina. Let's drop a new track to celebrate!

Marina: "Good idea, Pearl. I've got just the jam. This next song request comes from 'Freshly Fried Boy'."

Dan and Daisy could hear a faint "Hey, that's me!" in the crowd.

Marina: "It's the new hit single from the Squid Sisters, Fresh Start !"

The screen then transitioned to the music video for Fresh Start, Daisy enjoyed it. It felt like it relaxed her soul, somehow. Dan on the other hand, seemed to be loving the song even more. Daisy saw that behind his shades his eyes were closed, with a smile on his face. She decided to let him enjoy it, it was nice to see him at peace.

After the music video ended, the screen transitioned back to the news where Pearl and Marina continued their news like normal.

Daisy: "Seems like you enjoyed that song."

Dan: "Yeah, it's weird. I just felt at peace hearing it, like a feeling of reassurance."

Daisy: "Guess you really like the Squid Sisters huh?"

Dan: "Definitely, that song was much better than anything we had back in our day."

Daisy: "I sort of agree. I like today's music, but some of the songs we had back then were pretty good as well."

Dan: "I guess you're right, but I did really enjoy that song though."

Daisy: "Anyway, let's head over to the grate."

They made their way to the grate, no one was nearby and Judd was asleep.

Dan: "I still want to meet Lil Judd."

Daisy: "We'll probably see him at some point. Come on, let's go."

They took off the grate and hopped in, zooming towards Octo Canyon.

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