C2 P6 - Almost There

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June 7th (Day 11)

A week had passed. With the help of Daisy, Squidbeak was able to get to sector 5. Marie also mentioned that she had a surprise, and requested that both agents returned to HQ to see for themselves.

♪ Now Playing: Tentakeel Outpost (Sector 1) ♪

Daisy and Izzy super jumped and landed in Tentakeel Outpost. They were met with Marie watching them.

Daisy: "So, what's this 'surprise' Marie?"

Marie: "Well, I got Sheldon to work on a little something that'll make things easier for you two. Just a sec."

Marie went inside the shack, and came back out shortly. She was holding some armour, it resembled the hero suit but it had some changes made to it.

Izzy: "What's up with that Hero suit? it looks different."

Marie: "That's because it has a new feature. Not only does it do what a normal hero suit does, but it'll allow Daisy to turn into her squid form by herself."

The Agents' jaws dropped. No longer would Daisy have to rely on Izzy to use her squid form, she could simply do it herself.

Marie: "Well, that's what Sheldon saying it SHOULD do. It hasn't really been tested, so I guess there's only one way to find out if it does work. Here ya go."

Before Daisy could take it, Marie had somehow already put it on and was holding her old hero suit.

Daisy: "You gotta stop doing that."

Marie: "Hey you can't blame for trying to save time, we need to finish the last sector after all."

Daisy: "Fair enough..."

Marie: "Do you wanna try switching to your squid form Daisy?"

Daisy: "Sure. I just have to imagine I'm melting right?"

Marie: "Yeah, that's how beginners do it. Give it a try."

Daisy focused on 'melting'. Slowly, her body started to become nothing but ink, until she turned into her squid form.

She had done it, her first time being in squid form by herself. She could do it whenever she wanted for as long as she wanted.

Marie: "Well done Daisy, you're doing well for a beginner. Now try switching back."

Daisy let go off the 'melting' feeling and she became herself again.

Marie: "Incredible. Remind me to thank Sheldon later, I really do underestimate him sometimes."

Marie's radio started picking up static.

Marie: "Is this just a disturbance or-

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Marie: "Are...Uh...Are you holding the phone upside down?"

Someone in the background started speaking.

???: "Callie, you're meant to hold the phone like this."

Callie: "Oh, thank you Dan!"

Marie: "Callie!?"

Daisy, realising who was speaking, quickly grabbed the radio and starting shouting into it.

Daisy: "Wait Dan! Dan can you hear me!? Where are you!? Are you okay!?"

Dan: "...After all you have done, you have the gull to talk to me as if you miss me?"

Daisy: "What do you mean? What have I-"

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