C3 P1 - Welcome Back

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June 10th (Day 14)

Dan slowly opened his eyes, his head hurt quite a bit. He managed to look around, to his surprise he was back in Pearl's house. What was he doing here?

He touched his face, to his relief the shades weren't there anymore. He then realised he could hear breathing coming from below him, he looked over and saw Daisy lying on the floor. He almost cried, he was finally back with his sister again. But what had happened?

The interrogation...Octavio...Callie...The fight...He could only remember bits and pieces. It will probably all come back to him sooner or later, for now he can relax knowing that he was safe.

Daisy then started groaning, she opened her eyes and they met Dan's. They shot open and she jumped up and hugged him.

Daisy: "You're awake!"

Dan: "Of course I am silly, I'm not sleeping beauty."

Daisy snickered at his joke.

Daisy: "God you have no idea how happy I am, I thought I would never see you again!"

Dan: "But then you saved me. You fought through the Octarians and risked your life just for me. I could never ask for a better sister. Thank you, Daisy."

???: "Look who's finally awake!"

The two of them turned to see Marina who was jumping with delight.

Dan: "Marina, oh my god!"

Dan barely had time to lift himself up before being enveloped in a hug.

???: "About time you woke up."

Pearl popped out behind her.

Dan: "Pearl! It's great to see ya again!"

Pearl: "Right back at you my dude! But honestly, you got ANY idea how worried we were?!"

Dan: "Yeah uh, sorry about that."

Pearl: "Ain't your fault man, some people are just proper nasty."

Marina: "Especially someone like Octavio. But honestly Dan, you have no idea how worried we were! We didn't know if we would ever see you again."

Dan was actually pretty surprised. These two were showing such genuine concern for his and Daisy's well-being, despite barely knowing them. While he wouldn't admit it, he almost cried just from their kindness alone.

Daisy: "If it makes you feel any better, we got Octavio trapped in a snow globe back in Octo Canyon."

Pearl: "A snow globe? Pfft, imagine being trapped in that."

Dan: "I think that's the sort of punishment he deserves."

Daisy: "Oh you should have seen the look on his face, he looked so mad."

They laughed at Octavio's situation, he did deserve it after all.

Marina: "Anyway, we gotta head out in a bit. There's a splatfest coming up in a couple of weeks and we need to finish the preparations!"

Daisy: "Oh yeah, the Splatfest! I've been so focused on Dan that I forgot that you guys brought that up a few days ago! What's the theme again?"

Pearl: "How could you forget!? It's how you like your orange juice, PULP OR NO PULP YO!"

Marina: "Jeez Pearl, no need to shout."

Dan: "Cod I hate Pulp. wait, I mean God."

Daisy: "Heh, looks like they're starting to rub off on you Dan."

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