C2 P3 - Unexpected Transformation

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Daisy was flying through the air towards Suction-Cup Lookout (Sector 2), she was trying to gain control of herself. Daisy closed her eyes as she put her feet in front of her and braced for impact.

Daisy landed with a loud THUD, she opened her eyes and realised that she was unharmed. She looked at her feet and saw that a lot of ink was there.

Daisy: "(The ink must of stuck on me and absorbed the impact.)"

Daisy felt relieved that she made it, she thought that she might have ended up breaking her bones or worse, falling into the land below. Daisy then noticed something had changed.

Daisy: "(Did the music get more intense?)"

Her thoughts were interrupted by a sound behind her, she saw something zooming towards her and she barely dodged it. When she turned back towards it she realised it was Izzy.

Izzy: "Hey you made it! What a relief."

Daisy: "Yeah, that was scary. But at least I'm still in one piece."

Izzy: "Well I hope you can do it again, because we have to go to sector 3."

Daisy: "Oh you've got to be kidding me. Fine, ready when you are."

They made their way to sector 3's launchpad and jumped. After making it for a second time Daisy felt that she could trust the launchpads to work as intended.

♪ Now Playing: Beaker's Depot (Sector 3) ♪

Daisy: "(It changed again.)"

Daisy shook her head and tried to concentrate.

Daisy: "(Come on Daisy, the music really isn't that important. Just focus on the mission.)"

Izzy landed beside her.

Izzy: "Hey partner! Come with me, I know where we're going."

Daisy: "But like, where are we going exactly?"

Izzy: "Well, we need to find one last kettle. After we complete it, we'll be able to go into the boss kettle and well, fight the boss."

Out of nowhere, a voice was heard in their headsets.

Marie: "Agent 4, Agent 5. Are you two okay?"

Izzy: "Yeah we're all good Agent 2, Agent 5 is able to use launchpads perfectly fine."

Marie: "Good to hear, at least that's one of our problems out of the way. Speaking of which, as Daisy is unable to change forms and use ink, she is not going to be able to get past certain obstacles."

Izzy: "Any ideas, Agent 2?"

Marie: "Well this is going to sound kinda stupid, but it's worth a shot. Agent 5, please hold on to Agent 4's hand."

Daisy: "Okay...?"

Marie: "Now Agent 4, turn into your squid form."

Izzy turns into her squid form, it seems normal at first until she realises that Daisy was gone, she looked down and realised that there was a small figure holding on to her.

It looked like someone in Squid form. But that's impossible, there weren't any Inklings here! The squid then brought their attention to Izzy, they appeared confused until they looked down and their expression turned to fear. The squid let go and they changed forms, revealing that it was actually Daisy. She appeared shocked.

Daisy: "What happened?! I...I felt so...weird!"

Izzy: "I think you changed forms Daisy, like us."

Daisy: "No, that doesn't make sense! I'm a human, how could I- why would I-"

Daisy tried to come up with an answer but she couldn't wrap her head around it. How could a human take on a form of a squid? Humans and Inklings were nothing alike...right?

Izzy: "Hey, it doesn't have to make sense five, and look on the bright side, you can change forms like us!"

The radio crackles and a voice comes out.

Marie: "Did anything happen?"

Izzy: "Oh something happened alright, Daisy has a squid form!"

Marie: "You mean Agent 5! But...are you serious? Can she do it by herself?"

Izzy: "I'm not sure. Hey Daisy, trying switching forms."

Daisy: "Uh, how exactly?"

Izzy: "Imagine your body is melting, in a relaxing sort of way."

Daisy tried to imagine it, but nothing really seemed to happen.

Izzy: "Hmm...I guess she can't do it."

Marie: "It doesn't matter, it gets the job done. Go make your way to the next kettle agents."

Izzy/Daisy: "Yes ma'am!"

Daisy, admittedly, was still a little shaken up by what had happened. But as she thought about it more, she realised she hadn't felt any pain, it just felt odd. It was like all her whole body just ceased to exist.

But, if it meant it would help Daisy find Dan faster, then she would happily use that form as much as she needs to.

The duo continued walking into the sector until they reached the rail.

Izzy: "We'll be using our squid forms, hang on tight."

Izzy shot the rail and activated it, Daisy grabbed on and they both jumped onto the rail and went into their squid forms. For Daisy it felt weird, it felt like she was a ghost as the ink was just passing right through her. They eventually made it to the end of the rail and jumped off, turning back to their normal forms.

Daisy: "Where to next?"

Izzy: "Well, there's one area I haven't been to yet. Follow me."

After navigating the sector, they made to the untouched area of the sector, Izzy shot her ink around and eventually found the kettle. It was labelled "Kettle #14".

Izzy: "That ticks off all the kettles in this sector. Let's hurry up and get this done, so we can fight the boss."

They both dived in and after travelling through a tunnel in their squid forms they arrived at their destination.

While they were looking around a drone flew in out of nowhere.

?: "I could REALLY use some more data on this weapon. Can you- Oh you're that new agent Marie was talking about! And I can't believe it, a living human! I have so many questions!"

Marie: "Sheldon, I get you're excited but can you save it for later?"

Sheldon: "Oh, right. Agent 4, can you use the Hero Charger for a bit? Agent 5 you're still new at this, so I'll let you use your Hero Shot for now!"

Izzy: "Alright, let's go Agent 5!"

Marie: "Hey Sheldon, I got a request."

Sheldon: "Happy to help Marie, what do you need?"

Marie: "I need you to make a hero suit that'll allow Agent 5 to regain ink and transform into a squid form."

Sheldon: "Squid form? I thought humans didn't have a squid form?"

Marie: "She can't use it by herself, but Agent 4 was able to force Agent 5 into their own version of it."

Sheldon: "If they can turn into a squid, they could probably refill their ink as well..."

Marie: "Yeah exactly, do you think you can do it?"

Sheldon: "Well it seems complicated, but I've had harder challenges! Consider it done!"

Marie: "Great to hear, keep me updated on it Sheldon."

Sheldon: "Don't worry, I'll inform you the moment it's done!"

Marie: "Thanks Sheldon, good luck."

Hidden behind some rocks, a spy listened in on Marie. When Marie was gone, the spy superjumped away, intending to inform Octavio about this interesting idea.

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