30K Special - Mutant Logs

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"A figure laid dormant in a specimen tank, filled with a strange green liquid. They had a mask attached to their face so they could breath. They were not Inkling, Octoling or even a Human.



"Mutants...who, or what, were the others?"


>M Files

>Mutant Logs

WARNING: Unauthorised access to the following files will lead to immediate termination.



Title: Mutant Creation and Experimentation

Document ID: 4.3.654.32.52

Date: 12/5/14020

Purpose: To create subjects that'll surpass the current civilization A̶N̶D̶ D̶E̶S̶T̶R̶O̶Y̶ T̶H̶O̶S̶E̶ D̶I̶S̶G̶U̶S̶T̶I̶N̶G̶ C̶R̶E̶A̶T̶U̶R̶E̶S̶  and allow for humanity to make a safe return.

Overseen by: AI Tartar

>Mutant Log 001

Date: 18/5/14020

Subjects used:

>Sentient Humanoid Octopus (Octoling)

>Human (Name: William Rimy)

Process: Subjects will be placed in the machine, and will be [REDACTED]. When the new subjects (which from this point forward will be referred to as 'Mutants') are released, they will be placed in a specimen tank and monitored.

Results: Mutant 001 maintained a physical form for 5.3 seconds, before dissolving. Mutant 002 was able to make it to a specimen tank and preserved. However, after an unknown amount of time (presumably a few hours), 002 went missing. While there were ink splotches found near the specimen tank, it is assumed that 002 dissolved.

Addendum: While Mutant 002 was able to last considerably longer, Mutant 001 appeared to struggle with their new 'human' parts. The machine will need to be appropriately adjusted to ensure the Mutants' bodies are not altered too much, otherwise they risk losing the ability to hold themselves together.

>Mutant Log 002

Date: 11/6/14020

Subjects used:

>Sentient Humanoid Octopus (Octoling)

>Human (Name: Jace Edwards)

Note: The Octopus (Which went by the name 'Mizuta') volunteered to be sanitised after the experiment, stating they wished to "give up any doubts and conflicts about production and devote herself entirely to music." This was granted, under the condition she assisted in this experiment, which she was quick to agree to.

Process: The process remains the same as it was the last experiment, no further explanation is needed.

Results: Both Mutant 003 and 004 were able to maintain a physical form, and were escorted to their specimen tanks. Both Mutants made a full recovery, and Mutant 004 was escorted to be sanitised.

A/N: Hey guys! I would like to thank you all for 30K reads! I'm sorry I couldn't offer much to celebrate, but I thought this would be an interesting bit of lore for you guys. I hope you enjoyed it!

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