C3 P10 - The Escape

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Agent 8 worked through the Coccyx Phase and managed to sneak by to the Villi Phase, music started playing from her CQ-80, it was Pearl and Marina.

♪ Now Playing: Nasty Majesty ♪

8 paid no attention to it and grabbed an Octo Shot. She then climbed up to the Belly Phase where she had to navigate the falling platforms. Pearl then brought the music up.

Pearl: "That reminds me, Marina...Can you hear our music coming from somewhere?"

Marina: "It's coming from Agent 8's CQ-80! That must mean Eight is nearing the surface!"

8 continued through the Belly Phase. The Cap'n swore he could hear the Telephone making noises but Agent 9 shrugged it off.

8 made it to the Intestinal Phase where she had to dodge the lasers and eventually made her way through.

As she was getting past the last set of areas to open a hole in the floor. The telephone started speaking.

Broken Telephone: "Blah blah... Y...you... YOU! You measly scraps of seafood! YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS!"

Cap'n: "Whaaaa!? Telephone! What are you doing to Agent 3?"

Broken Telephone: "Number 10,008 and number 10,009. Why are you associating with these superfluous nobodies?"

9: "Hey let go of her! Wait, CAP'N NO!"



Pearl: "Nine, Cap! What happened? Answer!"

8 was shocked, but she had no choice but to keep going. She jumped down the hole and broke the boxes ahead of her, heading into the Diaphragm Phase. 8 noticed that the music had changed, but she decided it wasn't worth thinking about and pressed on.

♪ Now Playing: Shark Bytes ♪

8 found an equipper which had an inkjet on it. She put it on and went around firing at the eight data posts to unlock the energy core. The energy core was released but it shot up and flew away, 8 followed it into the Peristalsis Phase.

8 found the energy core attached to a platform. She guided it to the plug and managed to defend it from the Sanitized Octarians. Once she got the platform plugged in, power started circulating. 8 hopped on the next launchpad and headed into the Spinal Phase.

When she arrived, she noticed that the music had stopped playing from her CQ-80, she shrugged it off. Marina then informed her of what was ahead.

Marina: "That's the central elevator. The battery is in there!"

Pearl: "You can make it to the surface with this!"

8: "But what about the others?"

Marina: "Their signals are close!"

Eight was relieved by that response.

Pearl: "Maybe they already made it to the surface?"

Marina: "I sure hope those three are OK..."

8 inked the ride rail and grinded to the platform, hoping to see her allies.

Pearl: "Eight! We'll come get you in the chopper, so just wait up there with Cap and nine, OK?"

8: "Got it."

8 rode a small platform that then connected to a larger platform, it then started to ascend.

Marina: "The heli? You think we need it?!"

Pearl: "There are only so many chances to use it. We can't let it go to waste!"

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